32" from 30" barrels

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
south bucks
I have a question for all those who started with a 30" gun and moved onto a 32".

in what way did this change / improve the guns handling and your shooting, did you have to change your technique in any way

any out there who went back to 30"


when i went from 30 to 32 the biggest difference i noticed was a different sight picture,ie see less leed with the longer barrels,don,t know if anyone else has found this or just me,took a bit of getting used too. Does seem smoother on long targets though.

I found it detrimental to my scores.

I have reverted back to 30"

I don't know why it had the effect it did, it maybe was a brand change also.

All I know is since going back to a 30 inch barrelled gun by scores have started to head to where they were before the change.

my scores went up after i got used to seeing a different picture,but i stayed with a berretta for both.

I feel that longer barrel's are more pointable, smoother as Optima said and give more time on the target. But not for the inexperienced.

Yes maybe in another couple of years for me.

Still only on year three/four the shorter gun 'feels' a better fit.

I have a question for all those who started with a 30" gun and moved onto a 32".

in what way did this change / improve the guns handling and your shooting, did you have to change your technique in any way

any out there who went back to 30"

The problem is, unless you change to a very carefully chosen exact same model of gun and rebalance it to suit, the change you experience will be a multitude of things. I went from a 30 browning to a 32 K80. No comparison.

I feel 32 is right, but it's so hard to evaluate in isolation..

You'll struggle for a shoot or three to make the necessary address adjustments but on the whole most good shooters will eventually benefit from the longer gun as it aids steadiness, swing, less flip, better momentum and controllability, they almost feel like they do the shooting for you when you get to know them. In my experience they need more precise pre-shot routine, hence why more experience helps.

When I try shooting 30 or 28 the guns seem to seesaw all over the place.

I find that 32" has more swingability(good word) I'm really tall so it all helps,I sold a mint 30" 686e and I bought a new 32" 682 Gold E then 6 months later traded a 28" Urika for a new 30" Silver Pigeon for around the farm etc, wish I had bought it in the 32" version now, its's good that the chokes are all useable in each gun though, however after 9 months the Silver Pigeon has only had 3 shots through it. Hopefully the barley will bring me a few shots to test it, if not I will give it a go on the clays sometime.

Those that say stock length is equal to fingertip round the trigger blade to the inner end of the forearm also believe that the length of barrels equals your inside leg length.

chiefy :.:

when i went from 30 to 32 the biggest difference i noticed was a different sight picture,ie see less leed with the longer barrels,don,t know if anyone else has found this or just me,took a bit of getting used too. Does seem smoother on long targets though.
Me too. It's taken a while to adjust, about 1500 shells or thereabouts, but 30" feels strange now.
Those that say stock length is equal to fingertip round the trigger blade to the inner end of the forearm also believe that the length of barrels equals your inside leg length.

chiefy :.:
Quite right cheif, Im a 5'6 streak of urine and I shoot 32" tubes and nearly 15" stock, mainly because I have a long neck and high models cheekbones :.:

Managed to pick up a Perazzi with both stock 30" barrels and additional 32" having come from a 30" Miruko.

I shoot the 32" in comps but have tried both back to back in practise and the control of the 32" barrels is very noticeable but when the 30" are on there won't be much that beats you for pace.

I do find the 30" an easy gun to handle and good fun but the 32" feels like the serious kit for putting scores in but I late quick birds in comps need some serious aggression to get the 32" moving

Or if after more on troll on a 30 in add some weight to the barrels.....

Remember another thing, not all barrels weigh the same. I used to shoot a DT10L 32 inch barrels. Light barrels by only grammes, but would flash throgh stuff.

Went to a heavy set of 32 inchers and smoothed the whole lot out. Sort your lead out first, kill point, then muck about with the rest.


I have used both over the years, but it pays to remember that it is not just the length that is important! Barrel weight and point of balance come into it too. Some 32 guns can handle like a 30 inch gun and vice versa. In fact I can miss very well with any length of barrel. :.: I have found no real benefit in 32 over 30 to be honest, I have shot both well and I have shot both badly too. I guess it's a personal thing that each shooter has to sort out for himself.
