Another price increase

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A local gun club (South West) has just this very evening put out a message on FB of a price increase from it’s cartridge supplier Gamebore, no % nor £ mentioned I’m afraid. 
Hope their just a bit behind the news and it's not another one 😉

Hope their just a bit behind the news and it's not another one 😉
They posted on 11th November, they are both a regular FB poster & a local club that is known for buying regularly for its members use so Id imagine its another rise not an historic one.

I bought 5k Lyavale about two weeks ago. They had gone up about £5/k on 12 bore, 21g, Super light, fibre. Third price increase in a few months.


Trouble is even if materials to make them do come down, seldom do the cartriges price drop accordingly here in Treasure Island
Nail on the head. Only way they would come down is if people stopped buying, which won’t happen. Bad state of affairs really 

Nail on the head. Only way they would come down is if people stopped buying, which won’t happen. Bad state of affairs really 
I think that is the thing . If shooters are still willing to buy cartridges at the higher price the manufacturers will happily keep the prices high. It is all about market forces, if for example there was a backlash to price increases and shooters stopped buying cartridges to the point where the price rise actually was significantly negated they would have a choice to make... reduce prices or stop making cartridges. If you are making a profit of 50p and an increase in price results in a net effect of a profit of 45p then you have a problem.


Of course we are talking about turn over and the net effect is that if the market price of components  actually do dictate the price what this means is that someone or some people lose a job to make up the short fall in turnover.

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I would also add that the top end of the market will almost definitely slow down if not stop as these prices keep increasing. Problem is most of us are addicted to the sport and the pushers know this hence hiking the prices. 
Very sad really.

However us Brit’s have a long memory… 

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I’ve seen £12 on a thousand so far. 
Just got some prices for Gamebore Velocity+ 28g 7.5 Fibre and Evo 28g 7.5 Plastic and it's gone crazy £230 and £245 per thousand. That's a £40 increase since I last stocked up on these...

Unfortunately I don't think I can continue shooting at the same rate unless I maybe change to 21g or 24g loads for practice although not sure if there's any saving to be made.

On the rumour mill at the weekend, the price of clays is set to rise also. Best everyone braces themselves for another double whammy price rise again.

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Just got some prices for Gamebore Velocity+ 28g 7.5 Fibre and Evo 28g 7.5 Plastic and it's gone crazy £230 and £245 per thousand. That's a £40 increase since I last stocked up on these..
Whatever you do don't look at the price on JC's website then.😲

I bought some 24gram Eley Select fibre from Westlands on Saturday £210 a thousand.

Trouble is even if materials to make them do come down, seldom do the cartriges price drop accordingly here in Treasure Island
Yes , and in a while they will find an excuse to phase out lead shot for clays  , replace it with steel ( iron ) and the price won’t drop in line with the difference in materials . Then everything will become fibre as single use plastics become a no-no  , and the price will go up . In time the cartridge hull which is another single use plastic will be replaced with paper , and the price will go up .  As energy prices soar so will clay prices , it ‘ain’t cheap to keep bulk tanks heated 24/7 at the processing plants .  

Just ordered 2,000 fblacks   24g  no price rise as of yet £202/1k 🤔  maybe I need to order more

Equivalent here is where the UK petrol station companies were all saying the reason prices didn't come down when oil was cheap a few years ago is because they buy well in advance so it's not relevant at that very moment...

...I notice they jacked the prices right up months ago as soon as the price of oil went up though, no hint of that cheap oil price purchasing from yesteryear counting to the consumer. Funny that.
