Trap shooting in the Midlands

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Dog Tyred

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Speaking to Jamie Garland yesterday about why they don't put on any trap competitions (OT, UT and ABT) anymore and the basic answer was lack of demand. 

Back in the 'good ol days' (20 to 25 years ago) you had to queue on a thursday evening for OT practice (and that was with two layouts going). Almost ever card was full and you shot next to characters like Ian Peel, Kev Borley, etc. Now you have to request them to set it up on your behalf such is the lack of demand. They have even removed the traps from one of the OT layouts and use them on the sporting layout.

When questioned about their willingness to run registered shoots Jamie said he was more than willing to do so if there was sufficient demand.

This got me wondering just how many OT trap shooters (or would be OT trap shooters) there are in and around the Midlands area that would attend Garlands on a regular basis  for competitions ( and hopefully practice). 

It also raises the question as to why the Staffordshire ABT, UT and OT shoots are held outside the county when we have a perfectly good ground providing all the disciplines within the county?? 


you have or rather jamie has  answerd your own question,there aint enough people that want to shoot it,so why bother if it dont pay .On a purely selfish level  it would be ideal for me having a ot comp at garlands,only because im giving it a go this year and will be practising there but ultimanatly its got to be worth it in numbers for garlands .

Count me in...about 1 1/2 hrs from me i think so closer than beverley and obviously closer than rugby. I would definately shoot there regularity as in every other week no prob. You get it sorted dt and i Will be there.

Ive shot OT practice there in the past, little way from me but I would deffo make the trip over. Bet a few more Welsh shooters would too. 

me too. Bit further than other grounds but would defo go for variety.

OK then, that's one squad!! All we need is at least three more squads and its becoming viable  ^_^

Re: the lack of demand, is it that no one wants to shot OT or no one shoots it because its not available?? Chicken and egg situation really. 


I think it is less popular because it isn't advertised or promoted.

Saturday at Sealand is very popular, but how many know and have used Doveridges OT? I have heard they have one but never seen anyone shooting it.

Bridgnorth is a dedicated DTL ground that is only just about surviving due to lack of interest. Cloudside have DTL & ABT but if more than two shoot it a week I would be surprised.

Trap shooting needs a shot in the arm to get more competitors.

When is the 'Staffordshire Horde'  having their first shoot at Garlands?

Efforts were made last year to organise the Intercounty OT at Garlands as a 50 target. In vain. Would Mr Lovett like to take entries on his Sporting days?

The problem is you're appealing to a very limited customer base. For most, OT is not a discipline shot on a casual basis. I would also estimate that there's probably no more than 100 active OT shooters in the country (by active I mean shooting it on a regular basis).

It is, as a previous poster has said, chicken and egg. A lack of potential return deters ground owners from building the layouts and installing the traps. For those with layouts installed, unless you become established catering for a niche market you're better off financially to convert the layouts to a trap discipline more regularly shot.

A shame really given our past success at Olympic events. 

its a shame but i am certainly seeing more people my way interested in UT/OT.

Speaking to Jamie Garland yesterday about why they don't put on any trap competitions (OT, UT and ABT) anymore and the basic answer was lack of demand. 

Back in the 'good ol days' (20 to 25 years ago) you had to queue on a thursday evening for OT practice (and that was with two layouts going). Almost ever card was full and you shot next to characters like Ian Peel, Kev Borley, etc. Now you have to request them to set it up on your behalf such is the lack of demand. They have even removed the traps from one of the OT layouts and use them on the sporting layout.

When questioned about their willingness to run registered shoots Jamie said he was more than willing to do so if there was sufficient demand.

This got me wondering just how many OT trap shooters (or would be OT trap shooters) there are in and around the Midlands area that would attend Garlands on a regular basis  for competitions ( and hopefully practice). 

It also raises the question as to why the Staffordshire ABT, UT and OT shoots are held outside the county when we have a perfectly good ground providing all the disciplines within the county?? 

Late picking up on this thread due to computer probs.

Used to shoot OT competitions at Garlands many years ago, and practice more recently (shot floodlit practice with40UP a few weeks ago) but usualy end up shooting alone so now shoot pracice at Sealand which although slighly further away does have a reasonable turnout on a sat.

Would certainly shoot OT/UT (Ut would not req, as many traps) on a regular basis if reg. shoots were to happen but that still leaves us a few squads short of a competition!. 

(Edit.  Forgot to point out that Staffs, ABT champs. were held in Staffordshire (at Ranton) in 2012 and 2011 also several times prior to 2010.

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I think it is less popular because it isn't advertised or promoted.

Saturday at Sealand is very popular, but how many know and have used Doveridges OT? I have heard they have one but never seen anyone shooting it.

Bridgnorth is a dedicated DTL ground that is only just about surviving due to lack of interest. Cloudside have DTL & ABT but if more than two shoot it a week I would be surprised.

Trap shooting needs a shot in the arm to get more competitors.

When is the 'Staffordshire Horde'  having their first shoot at Garlands?

Shot the Staffs. OT champs at Doveridge 2010&2011, very poor turnout. 

Tried shooting practice a couple of times but each time had constant problems with acoustics releasing out of order and mikes. blowing over. Wasted journeys.

If you shoot DTL (I dont normaly)  a nice friendly ground is Ranton near Stafford with two nice covered layouts and good targets, comps. held on the first Sunday of the month.

They also hold ABT shoots but unfortunately only 2/3 a year, including in the past few years the staffs ABT champs.  

Yep nice little club shot it with Allan for 1st time a couple of weeks ago quite testing abt targets but good fun.
