Think Pink Charity Shoot, West London SG. 18.7.12

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Will Hewland

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011

Below is from Pet Easton, the top Lady shooter who promotes this event each year.

My Mrs. can't make it this year but I will try and get along, as its a great opportunity to shoot 100 ESP at West London.

£48 (some of which goes to the charity I assume). It is usually Fibre cartridges at WLSS.

A quick reminder that there are only seven days to go until WEDNESDAY 18th JULY 2012 and this years THINK PINK charity shoot at The West London Shooting. This year will mark the tenth annual shoot and once again the event will run as an Open Shoot with entries between 9am and 3.30pm, hopefully this will make things more flexible for you and also means that you can turn up to shoot at any time between those hours to shoot the 100 bird sporting course. You will still be given tuition should you require it and all entries will be put into the Lewis Prize system which will produce three seperate classes on the day (despite CPSA class) so that like abilities compete against each other for some fab prizes as usual. There will be the customary pool shoots, raffle and auction to help raise funds for Cancer Research UK and Breast Cancer Awareness so bring plenty of cartridges and your other halves wallet, better still bring him too!! All men welcome they should just be modelling something PINK in what ever form............................................. but sorry I will be checking!!

I really hope you can make it and I look forward to welcoming you once more to the beautiful grounds of West London Shooting School and our fun filled day next Wednesday.

I have done some research regarding Olympic activity on the M40/A40 for that day and there will be no road or lane closures to disrupt your journey for your quick reference the post code for West London Shooting School is UB5 6RA

Kind Regards

Pet Easton x

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I'm going along with the better half and my mum and dad, it's a great fun day out and well worth a visit. Pet does a fantastic job and raises lots of money so come along and give her some support


I would come along if I hadnt spunked my years holiday allowance... Oh well enjoy matey! Get Rach to win on my behalf :)

Likely popping along for 9.30 round, pink cap on. Maybe see someone from here. Might do a little bit at AC Sporting next door too.


I Hope to get up there for a few hours to give support and donate.

Just need to find something pink now, was going to wear some pink pants but if Pet is checking to make sure......may be not. ;)

Probably will roll up early doors... be good to see who's there...

Met Matt and Gav for a round this morning. As ever, WLSS a nice ground to shoot at. A mixture of steady stands and a few real testers. We all shot OK, but I felt a 95 or 96 was achievable by the right shot. Mark Ivey hit 97 I believe, which was very good.

Horrible rain this pm but only a few showers for us this am, so good timing. Very enjoyable. A fair turnout and a lot of familiar faces. Great cakes!


Yep, very fetching pink cap as well Clever - good shooting, I think I shot 74 - which probably could have been 78 had I not made a few 'last target' mistakes... straightened 3 stands which is much better than recent weeks. Nice morning apart from a little light rain.

shot a bit all over the place - the only decent bit of shooting was 9 ex 12 with the 32" zoli

Another cracking day out put on by Pet and well done to her, I shot steady all day untill stand 12 couldn't hit the first bird and ended up dropping 5 to finish on 87. Great to see my mum and Rachel my better half shooting well and picking up some prizes all in all a great fun day and didn't get to wet. Roll on next year

Few of us struggled with that 'teal/looper' on stand 12 - I didn't find it - CleverSC3 hit it enough times...

It caught a few out, as I chatted to other folks.. It ran nice and level for a while at the top. Two and a half foot lead straight right. Doddle :))

As it was my last stand, it was a welcome straight as I made my clumsy errors early on. Rescued a 90.

Thanks to Pet and the team at Wlss,

Very enjoyable targets,good pool shoots and a free lesson from Becky!

Had to leave as the prizes were being given out ,Non in my direction me thinks.

This date will be a deffo for next year,soloing as pet will return.

Thanks also to my squad,Nick,Mike,Sue and Pet.
