Should we abandon 'Bird Only'

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I think those numbers were just an example; I don't know any ground that gets 25 entries at their shoots

I think those numbers were just an example; I don't know any ground that gets 25 entries at their shoots
The numbers were meaningless, just hypothetical and plucked out of the air. They also have no bearing whatsoever on the no birds argument.

To take the hypothetical thing a stage further, the £35 ground may have had 75 no birds entries in addition to the 25 comp entries, so then their profit looks a bit healthier.

Ground profits and comp/no birds entry numbers are not connected in any way and there isn't any point in anybody trying to connect the two to back up the comp/no birds argument.

The fact is that regular class winners want to see birds only abolished, to force more cash into their prize fund. I can understand where they're coming from. When I was in B Class, I was regularly in the prizes. Now I'm a mediocre A Class shooter, I'm never in the prizes :yell:

My view is that it should probably be left alone, I'm not in favour of forcing anything. More often than not, I'll pay the comp fee, as I might have a good day one day :.: :p :eek: :huh:

And as for anybody doing it for the money - behave yourselves!

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Exactly. It's the toatal entries that make the ground profit, not how many were bo and how many comp.

Good targets, good refs and decent prize money = big entries.

It's no coincidence that the grounds that guarantee prize money irrespective of entry are busy, and those that aren't great with payouts or the clarity of payouts are more quiet.

Exactly. It's the toatal entries that make the ground profit, not how many were bo and how many comp.

Good targets, good refs and decent prize money = big entries.

It's no coincidence that the grounds that guarantee prize money irrespective of entry are busy, and those that aren't great with payouts or the clarity of payouts are more quiet.
*total :.:

Just to clarify what is a common misunderstanding - there is no levy paid to the CPSA for ordinary 'registered' shoots. All grounds pay a flat fee once a year for being registered. County and Regional Championships have a levy set by the respective county/region and this helps pay for the badges, trophies etc.

I think a little clarity on one issue is needed - we all refer to "Ground Owners", but the reality is that not many of these people actually "own" the shooting grounds, they rent them. Therefore, they have landlords, who charge our "ground owners" for the priviledge of running a business. We ordinary folk have no idea who pays what rent, so when people refer to "ground owners" profits, I'm afraid they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. :huh: They can't, can they? Because they have no idea about rent, running costs, overheads, wages, utilities, etc etc. So I advocate cutting them some slack and stop trying to get them to subsidise our chosen hobby.

My opinion on B/O is based on little experience, so take it as intended, an opinion. Chard is right, the people who keep banging on about comp only are the minority who are in with a realistic chance of winning some dosh. Personally, I'm getting better as time, practice, training goes on, so my objective is to go up the classes, not to win money, because as we all know, you ain't getting rich winning a Sunday registered, but just to know I'm improving.

:p :D

I have been shooting competitevly for 26 years and I can count on one hand the times I have gone BO.

I dont really see that there is an issue as the extra £5 or whatever, is put into a kitty for those that have entered into the "prize money" however it has no effect on your reg score its just a little fiscal insentive. I dont care if shooters go BO or not so dont understand why a BO shooter would have a problem with those of us that dont mind chucking a fiver in the pot on a sunday.

I dont care if shooters go BO or not so dont understand why a BO shooter would have a problem with those of us that dont mind chucking a fiver in the pot on a sunday.
I think the point has been made that some people on the forum want to make the extra £5 compulsory and do away with BO. I don't think anyone minds those that want to, to have a financial incentive as long as it is not forced onto everyone to exclude the BO crowd.

Funny isn't it, this thread was started with a hypothetical question, I can see its got quite a few people's backs up already, the other thing it shows is there are people who still do it because they genuinely enjoy it and want to get better at it and then there's others who now possibly only do it for what they may win at it, and its become purely financial, such a shame when a hobby gets to that stage !!!!!!

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I think the average wage should be lifted for clayshooters to enable us all to have 20-30 entries if we want to.

Then we would only need Competition entries.


should have made myself clear. i think everyone should have a choice therefore i am not in favour of compulsory comp. my point is that every reg shoot is a comp the money aspect is a side line.

Just to clarify what is a common misunderstanding - there is no levy paid to the CPSA for ordinary 'registered' shoots. All grounds pay a flat fee once a year for being registered. County and Regional Championships have a levy set by the respective county/region and this helps pay for the badges, trophies etc.
Lucky you we need to pay a £4.00 levy per entry at every reg/selection to the SCTA

For some it is a hobby and for others it is war!!!

Both sides are good.

You chose how 'you' want to play :)

An interesting point was made today.

At a shoot last week there was a very early 94 posted on the score board.

Many entries were heard to say 'that's that then, going B/O now.

If scores were posted at the end of last entries, maybe, just maybe Comp entries may increase???

94 wouldn't put many off- most are won with a lot more than that nowadays sadly!!

Birds only shouldn't exist in competition shooting ? The price of entry should b lowered slightly as seen fit OMG !! and birds only banned due to m'A' Baggin brigade & 'B' how can it b competition ?? It would make it easier for ground owners payout wise and maybe they might payout further down class !!!!

Moral of the story is you have to beat everyone in the car park........Do not look at the scores before shooting....... like Ed said 94 is not a high score :) Remember your in it to win it. :cool:


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