Metal work cleaning

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Feb 18, 2023
I have just bought an old Browning B25. It hasn’t had much use so the metal work, engraving has a lot of dirt marks / staining from it being put away wet I guess.

What is the best method to clean this off? I tried gun oil and Legia on a cloth but this didn’t work.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

I believe Hoppe's do a metal cleaner but you would need to speak to Edgar Brothers as to what is available as stock can be an issue with Hoppe's.  Garlands solvent cleaner is brilliant, I was put onto this product by good old fashioned gunsmiths, it is what they use and whilst it is for cleaning barrel internals, there is no reason why it doesn't work on the outside of the gun.

A product I use for various cleaning jobs is IPA (isopropanol alcohol) which is a strong spirit base leaning agent, not to get confused with your wife's nail varnish remover as that has IPA but also oil which I think is to nurish the nail however that is worth trying before you buy anything else. Meths/turps/white spirit are usually in most people's garage and again worth a try.

IPA on ebay :-|tkp%3ABlBMUPjj06-NYg


I have used 0000 grade steel wool and 3 in 1 oil with reasonable success. It works exceptionally well on barrels,  without damage to the blueing.  Obviously used with care and gentle pressure. Alternatively a small Dremmel style drill with small wire brushes BUT again with a lubricant. 

It’s highly unlikely that a lightly used B25 would be put away wet . If it was you’d have serious rust on the blue parts , it would happen very quickly I’ve seen a Belgian built B2000 go from mint to buggered in a week . It could be oil that’s dried to a lacquer , it could be fingerprinting that’s discoloured the metal . If it’s a coined ( silver ) finish try starting with a tin of spray degreaser from Halfords which should soften up any crud in the engraving and any dried on gun oil or stock oil .  In addition to Westleys 0000 wool , Silver cleaning polish   ( wad or impregnated cloth  ) from the supermarket can be used for fine cleaning , as can jewellers rouge from eBay . 

I believe Hoppe's do a metal cleaner but you would need to speak to Edgar Brothers as to what is available as stock can be an issue with Hoppe's.  Garlands solvent cleaner is brilliant, I was put onto this product by good old fashioned gunsmiths, it is what they use and whilst it is for cleaning barrel internals, there is no reason why it doesn't work on the outside of the gun.

A product I use for various cleaning jobs is IPA (isopropanol alcohol) which is a strong spirit base leaning agent, not to get confused with your wife's nail varnish remover as that has IPA but also oil which I think is to nurish the nail however that is worth trying before you buy anything else. Meths/turps/white spirit are usually in most people's garage and again worth a try.

IPA on ebay :-|tkp%3ABlBMUPjj06-NYg

I think nail varnish remove is/was acetone based not IPA

Thanks for the advice folks.

The B25 is well used, the gun is older than me 😆 

Going by the above comments, the marking is likely to be fingerprinting or dried oil. There is no marking on the barrels, both internal or external. 

I may be wrong.i thought that the b25's had a shellac finish on the actions?


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