ips & shortlegs do stuff

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
enjoyed a very pleasant evening on Friday with my good friend short legs and the very lovely Mrs short legs. Alcohol was consumed in moderation accompanied by copious amounts of cheese, crackers and other such nibbly items. Shooting was discussed in length whilst Mrs short legs and Mrs ips discussed kitchens ?

Sunday morning spent shooting at esp targets for fun, a hearty breakfast consumed then off to the grouse butt which was fun. Next the high tower for a driven day practice which went well after some excellent coaching from short legs, however one particular target a left to right driven trebor mint proved to be somewhat problematic but after some niffty tinkering and cunning deception by short legs I was sort of getting to grips with what was now becoming a very frustrating target.

thanks for a great morning shooting and for the invaluable coaching. Oh and cheers for the special tipple ?

Many thanks for a lovely evening Friday  Mr& Mrs Ips we really enjoyed   :drinks: and eze put in an appearance  :thumbsup:

 Enjoyed your company again Lots of laughs and some fun targets this morning I wouldn't say it was coaching just friendly observations and changing approach if missing   :hunter: certain targets  :thumbsup: . 

The special tipple just a thank you for kind invite to days driven sport when we can arrange it look forward to us all having a nice time again soon hopefully the Lancashire country festival and game fair  . 

Shoot well on the 9th and enjoy your day !!! 

cheers my friend ?

oh we forgot to mention having witnessed one of the worst demonstrations of gun handling either of us have seen for some time.

a bloke habitually putting a closed over and under on his foot before opening the top lever even though on occasions he had only shot one barrell ? it was truly frightening.

Oh yes that had both of us cringeing but don't think a friendly word would have helped with the attitude and comments he was making  :no:    :shocked:    :pinch: . 

cheers my friend ?

oh we forgot to mention having witnessed one of the worst demonstrations of gun handling either of us have seen for some time.

a bloke habitually putting a closed over and under on his foot before opening the top lever even though on occasions he had only shot one barrell ? it was truly frightening.
Good job I wasn't with you then  !       :angel:

You know me, always first in, if I am unfortunate enough to witness poor safety.

It goes something like,  " This little piggy went to market,  This little piggy stayed at home, the other 3 piggies are now MINCEMEAT  "  !

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he was an arse Westley, if we thought for one second he would have taken our observations we would have given it but he was obviously the type to tell you to stuff off , anyway there his toes ?

Should have given him a gentle nudge as you walked by, he may have shot his foot off and got the message without anything being said  :D

There are some right ignorant r soles about eh!

it never cease's to amaze me how very thick some people are regarding gun safety. People like this bloke should not have a licence .

One of the most amazing aspects of the shooting sports to me is the accident rate.  I wonder how so many meatheads can avoid them and the level stay so low.

Sounds like an enviable time for the ips and shortlegs.   
