EJC 4th May 100ESP Reg

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
Made time to get to EJC today, rocked up with Joe Hale, brief chat with Calimty Jane and Lorraine Harris who'd just finished having shot and 80 and 78 respectively. When booking paid my entry including comp £5 pot money, then made the schoolboy error of looking at rolling scores 90 was winning, this by a C class shooter C!!! If I'd seen that before I'd kept my fiver, don't mind anyone in the lowest of classes having a good day but 90? Put this in perspective when I left 3 hours later high gun was Ben Husthwaite with a 93.

As for the shoot, went 1-3 through to 12 then back to 2, not a queue in sight. Had a nightmare on a few stands, very very rarely do I ever get in front of a target, I'm an old fossil whose not the quickest but today I'd constantly get in front of some fairly innocuous looking targets as plenty didn't seem to have been under any power. 

One was told a few times today that one needs to be able to shoot every type of target, my skill set lacked the nous today to adjust to the targets thrown, bar a pair of report rabbits, which I thought was a poorly set stand, saw four shooters at the stand 32 targets and the variation across these was staggering, it was mind just 1 stand and 8 of 100 targets, no issues (weather apart) with the rest of the course as before, my lack of skills. 

Oh Joe 88, me 60 odd, and yes I'll be going back for another Reg shoot soon as 

The rabbits behaved for me. A rare straight on my card at a shoot that I really screwed up. (I'll blame my bad back for two rubbish performances this week). 

Awesome shooting, Dan.  What was the first bird on stand 5?  I don't know the ground, but was it something stupidly hard?

As with any shoot my hat goes off to anyone putting in a 90 plus, I'll repeat what I said to you yesterday at EJC, "very well done"f Dan, as for stand 5, looked a monster pair, deceptive as the first target a distant ( for the course ) 70mm thrown under power as a looper, slowed rapidly, I went past the first hit the rest, did give rather spectacular breaks the sort that make you ? Course threw some targets that were difficult to read so was a challenge yes, stupidly hard targets? no, did think the rabbits were poor but no more and all did have plenty of opportunity to hit them 

Awesome shooting, Dan.  What was the first bird on stand 5?  I don't know the ground, but was it something stupidly hard?
Just an odd target; 70mm clay being thrown as a very slow crosser, I was definitely in front of it.  In hindsight I should have shot almost straight at it.

I hit it a few times. 4 feet?
4 feet using what method... pull away? swing through? maintained? 

Dan says he thinks he needed to shoot almost at it, you recon 4 feet, you could both be correct using different methods, or Dan could be using the same method as you, but read it wrong...

It was climbing so line was critical if you took it early, I noticed the better breaks came from people who let it play out a touch (this very often still means the clay is well within comfortable range anyway) so took it just as they were beginning to go from full on L to R to a slight sideways cant and saw about a foot with pull away, all fairly poor front end shaves  :lol: :blink: .

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4 feet using what method... pull away? swing through? maintained? 

Dan says he thinks he needed to shoot almost at it, you recon 4 feet, you could both be correct using different methods, or Dan could be using the same method as you, but read it wrong...
Yes sorry, I was on the rum when I wrote that. ?

It rose, then slowed and flattened out, so line was straight across for me. I tend to pull away very gently, often slowing to match the clay speed, so 4 feet is realistic, not some view during a fast movement.


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