Air travel shotgun case. Adequate protection?

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Ive travelled all over Europe and Africa and the USA using a Negreni plastic hardcase with no problems, in recent years I use my Perazzi factory case again with no problems! Don't waste money!

I saw in the 90s a gun in a leather gun slip get thrown into the hold of a plane when I was sitting near the window as they were loading! glad it was'ent mine.

I think we should all celebrate a bloody good point raised really good answers solved the issue and no falling out , hooooorayyyyy

Ive travelled all over Europe and Africa and the USA using a Negreni plastic hardcase with no problems, in recent years I use my Perazzi factory case again with no problems! Don't waste money!

I saw in the 90s a gun in a leather gun slip get thrown into the hold of a plane when I was sitting near the window as they were loading! glad it was'ent mine.
The Browning standard case has no padding after we checked - he has it at Uni with him - and I guess the Perazzi case has.  Anyway, as the wise sages have said, it would be a disaster if the gun was damaged on the way to the shoot so I feel justified in buying the Peli.

BTW, this started out as , "Dad, can I have some of your airmiles to get to Dubai and I'll stay with Jane my cousin so it will not cost anything as the entry to the comp is free/refundable and the cartridges are provided FOC". 

Well, as it turns out, airmiles cost as much (taxes, admin fees and other charges) as the flight to buy outright - which was actually quite cheap at £390 and the stay with cousin didn't work either as she has double booked herself.  ;)

What the hell, it's only money. :crazy:

If any of you need a hard case for flights look on e bay, I put in shotgun flght cases and saw there were aluminium cases with locks for £45.00 upwards! thats cheap!

I now have an SKB Case which is very similar to Peli, lifetime guarantee, waterproof, foam insert etc etc, very good!
I'm not gay or owt! but it's a

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That's what I mean shootinguru . Actually saw my gun case being thrown when landing back home . A decent gun case while abroad should cover all eventualities.

Someone PM'ed me to ask where I bought my Peli and which model - and I thought I'd post it here : - they do the full range, I think mine arrived next day - its the  Peli Storm iM3100 case Model. 

The Negrini case that came with my DT11 worked fine travelling to Europe and around here. The previous Beretta cases were not airline proof and I used a Pelican with whit wheels for several years. They are big but airline proof!


Pink aside, SKB do precut interiors specifically designed for shotguns which is a nice touch. Not sure if they're available over here though.

I now have an SKB Case which is very similar to Peli, lifetime guarantee, waterproof, foam insert etc etc, very good!

I'm not gay or owt! but it's a
Now if Abbey or Amber had said they've got one of these I would understand - but Jake!
If it came through on the carousel you could easily see it I suppose. Each to his own :)

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Now if Abbey or Amber had said they've got one of these I would understand - but Jake!

If it came through on the carousel you could easily see it I suppose. Each to his own :)
Sexist comment..!

Why Abbey or Amber...?

If you actually knew them would know why they are laughing right now....

Again, thanks all.  Picked up one yesterday, a Peli 1700 in great condition with the foam untouched. 

All sorted now, thanks largely to Shoot Clay Forum. :)
