Pain in the neck.

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Well-known member
ShootClay Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
West Lancs.
Having been a pain in the neck to many for a long time, I am now suffering the same thing. My GP has diagnosed a trapped nerve in my spine, somewhere between the shoulder blades, but it is causing some considerable pain in my right upper arm and shoulder and into my neck. I have already dropped from 100 bird shoots to 50 birds and today I dropped more targets on the last 3 stands than all of the previous 6 together. Towards the last few targets I found it difficult to lift or swing the gun. I have already been reduced to using my Beretta auto instead of my usual Miroku, because of the weight factor. I am due to end the course of anti inflammatory tablets next week and a return visist to the GP. Is there anything I should be asking for ie :- xray, scan or physio that may help,  or give it up and stick to effing Reffing ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi westley,

I suffered from a slipped disk for some time i had physio, ct scan, the list is to long to mention, The best thing i found was going in the pool not swimming just being weightless, I hired a private pool near me it was not a lot of money but what it did was worth all the money in the world ! you know the feeling when you get out of water your body weight increases, when your in water all the weight is taken off your body and allows things to go back in place, please try it you have nothing to lose !

I went 3 times a week for a hour at a time hope you take my advice.  

Having been a pain in the neck to many for a long time, I am now suffering the same thing. My GP has diagnosed a trapped nerve in my spine, somewhere between the shoulder blades, but it is causing some considerable pain in my right upper arm and shoulder and into my neck. I have already dropped from 100 bird shoots to 50 birds and today I dropped more targets on the last 3 stands than all of the previous 6 together. Towards the last few targets I found it difficult to lift or swing the gun. I have already been reduced to using my Beretta auto instead of my usual Miroku, because of the weight factor. I am due to end the course of anti inflammatory tablets next week and a return visist to the GP. Is there anything I should be asking for ie :- xray, scan or physio that may help,  or give it up and stick to effing Reffing ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If it is a trapped nerve, your GP should be referring you on to orthopaedics and/or Physio. It is actually difficult (very) to give a diagnosis of a 'trapped nerve' without an MRI. Push for a referral to a specialist if your GP is convinced it is a 'trapped nerve'..

This isn't going to help you Westley but many years I had what was diagnosed as a trapped nerve in my neck. The pain in any muscle in my right arm was immense and even extended into two of my fingers such that they tingled all the time.

I was fitted with a neck collar, prescribed powerful pain killers and given neck stretching physio. None of this worked except that, on the advice of a nurse, I could get some sleep by taking the painkillers with a double brandy !

One day I got so pissed off with it all that threw the collar into the dustbin and flushed the painkillers down the toilet.

The next day the problem had gone !!

About 18 months I got a similar problem, less severe, but all the pain was behind my right shoulder blade. My shooting went rapidly downhill.  As part of the diagnosis I was advised to give up shooting, if only temporarily. That worked but unfortunately I had to give  up shooting completely.


Gentlemen, I really do appreciate your responses :-

Nick, I will put that to the GP on my next visit. The pain tonight, after shooting today, has now spread into my lower right arm and is a bit uncomfortable, to say the least.

VicW, My next move is to drop down to the 20 bore which weighs in at 6lbs. 2ozs. and 24 grams and keep shooting as long as possible. I will not give up my shooting easily and will continue to Ref and assist others to get started in the sport.

Balltrap, I will try the pool treatment. It has reached a point where I will give anything a go, even if it does shrivel the extremeties.

Thanks again Guys,  W.

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When I had my acute sciatica arising from a slipped disc the doc and NHS physio both said I'd have to wait 3 months to see if the body healed itself before being referred for a scan.  X-Ray is a waste of time as does not show soft tissue.  You will need to see a specialist.  In that time I suffered nerve end damage so have lost some feeling in my leg and still carry a bit of a limp.  Don't let them delay this long!  I had an operation to release the pressure on the nerve. You can buy ibuprofen over the counter and also take paracetamol all the time as that is a good base layer of pain relief.  If ibuprofen 400 mg is not strong enough then they have other stuff but some of these are also classed as anti depressants so make sure they go down on your record as for pain relief!  Hope you get sorted soon, the pain is very debilitating.  I couldn't shoot rifle, pistol or shotgun as raising the gun was excruciating.  I am very glad that it's all behind me now.  First rifle comp tomorrow!

When I had my acute sciatica arising from a slipped disc the doc and NHS physio both said I'd have to wait 3 months to see if the body healed itself before being referred for a scan.  X-Ray is a waste of time as does not show soft tissue.  You will need to see a specialist.  In that time I suffered nerve end damage so have lost some feeling in my leg and still carry a bit of a limp.  Don't let them delay this long!  I had an operation to release the pressure on the nerve. You can buy ibuprofen over the counter and also take paracetamol all the time as that is a good base layer of pain relief.  If ibuprofen 400 mg is not strong enough then they have other stuff but some of these are also classed as anti depressants so make sure they go down on your record as for pain relief!  Hope you get sorted soon, the pain is very debilitating.  I couldn't shoot rifle, pistol or shotgun as raising the gun was excruciating.  I am very glad that it's all behind me now.  First rifle comp tomorrow!
​I take it you never tried the pool or was ever recommended it !

When I had my acute sciatica arising from a slipped disc the doc and NHS physio both said I'd have to wait 3 months to see if the body healed itself before being referred for a scan.  X-Ray is a waste of time as does not show soft tissue.  You will need to see a specialist.  In that time I suffered nerve end damage so have lost some feeling in my leg and still carry a bit of a limp.  Don't let them delay this long!  I had an operation to release the pressure on the nerve. You can buy ibuprofen over the counter and also take paracetamol all the time as that is a good base layer of pain relief.  If ibuprofen 400 mg is not strong enough then they have other stuff but some of these are also classed as anti depressants so make sure they go down on your record as for pain relief!  Hope you get sorted soon, the pain is very debilitating.  I couldn't shoot rifle, pistol or shotgun as raising the gun was excruciating.  I am very glad that it's all behind me now.  First rifle comp tomorrow!
I assessed a patient recently who reported neuro type symptoms from his lower back down his leg into his foot. I phoned his GP, discussed my findings and GP was happy on my say-so to refer on for MRI without seeing the patient. Patient had MRI 2 weeks later and confirmed my suspicions that there was nerve compression.... That patient has now been referred to orthopaedics and is a candidate for surgery....All on the NHS.

Sometimes you just need to see the right person in the first instance.....

p.s i always advise people check to see if they can take ibuprofen as it can be nasty on the gut.

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This may or may not help. I got smashed up a few years ago. Sometimes I get pain in base of neck. Worse after shooting. If I feel achy before I shoot I take one anti- inflammatory 600mg Ibuprofren before or after shooting  no pain at all. With food. Also have memory foam pillow quite thin so neck is not at an angle when sleeping. 

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I simpathise my friend. I have had sciatica for thirty years and constant cramp in calf due to prolonged nerve damage also have piraformis and damaged vertebrae in neck as a result of old fencing injury. Currently loaded with naproxen as woke up last night with cramp in calf and thigh .  Oh did I mention arthritic hip. Shot quite a bit on sat with 28g in readiness for first big shoot next week, could this have brought it on I wonder ?Anyway it's not good at this stage so easy does it for me for a few days.

My advice is bollox to gp there useless for this stuff get a good private physio mine is excellent and not far from you. Well near me so work it out. Waiting list on nhs is never an option if your suffering. My tame physio said there is an op for me but advised against it unless absolutely untreatable and she has witnessed my absolute agony over the years.  My point is do not accept surgery until you have seen a GOOD physio they are imo like gods.

Pm me if you want my physio she is brilliant.

I started having shoulder pain a couple of  years ago but I have always had some neck pain after playing front row for many years. Initially the doctor told me to take ibuprofen. After a month or two I went back as it was no better and I was given an injection in the shoulder by the Doc. Well that didn't work so I was refered to the hospital and received an X-ray that showed no joint closure. Then I had 3 injection in a different part of the shoulder that had to be ultrasound guided and physio every two weeks. Well that didn't improve things either so I was refered for an MRI with fluoroscopy. It turns out that my collarbone has moved forward slightly and has been rubbing away in the shoulder joint and worn away the cartilage and ulcerated the bone. I am now waiting to have the end of my collarbone removed and the shoulder reconstructed. This process has taken over 2 years and could have been dramatically reduced if they had given me an MRI on the first hospital visit. My tendons were inflamed but because they were rubbing on ulcerated bone so the injections couldn't reduce the inflammation and the physio only aggrieved the tendons. 

I simpathise my friend. I have had sciatica for thirty years and constant cramp in calf due to prolonged nerve damage also have piraformis and damaged vertebrae in neck as a result of old fencing injury. Currently loaded with naproxen as woke up last night with cramp in calf and thigh .  Oh did I mention arthritic hip. Shot quite a bit on sat with 28g in readiness for first big shoot next week, could this have brought it on I wonder ?Anyway it's not good at this stage so easy does it for me for a few days.

My advice is bollox to gp there useless for this stuff get a good private physio mine is excellent and not far from you. Well near me so work it out. Waiting list on nhs is never an option if your suffering. My tame physio said there is an op for me but advised against it unless absolutely untreatable and she has witnessed my absolute agony over the years.  My point is do not accept surgery until you have seen a GOOD physio they are imo like gods.

Pm me if you want my physio she is brilliant.
See my post above Ian.... ?

Yes nick seen it.

My god like physio can usually keep me on the road as long as she does her stuff as soon as I feel it getting out of hand. It's always there but manageable if I keep the daily excersise regime up and am very careful what I do or lift.  Have constant minor cramp in calf and constant visible muscle spasm and I mean constant. God says this is from iriversable nerve damage. Could Have Turned funny in bed while asleep woke at four am with cramp in thigh never ever had that before ??.

Any idea why it's now in me thigh would this be from the sciatica / piraformis or referal from arthritic hip ?

Yes nick seen it.

My god like physio can usually keep me on the road as long as she does her stuff as soon as I feel it getting out of hand. It's always there but manageable if I keep the daily excersise regime up and am very careful what I do or lift.  Have constant minor cramp in calf and constant visible muscle spasm and I mean constant. God says this is from iriversable nerve damage. Could Have Turned funny in bed while asleep woke at four am with cramp in thigh never ever had that before ??.

Any idea why it's now in me thigh would this be from the sciatica / piraformis or referal from arthritic hip ?
Could just be cramp and unrelated to any of your other problems particularly if this is the first incidence. It's unlikely to be related to sciatica as the sciatic nerve runs down the back of the leg, not the front. Cramp is still relatively unexplained but thoughts are that lack of fluid plays a part. 


It was the back of the thigh is that called the ham string ?


It was the back of the thigh is that called the ham string ?
Ah, ok yes the muscles in the back of the leg make up the Hamstrings. Keep an eye on it but possibly just a case of cramp. Worth giving the muscle a stretch after cramp but like I said, cramp is still a bit of an unknown...

I assessed a patient recently who reported neuro type symptoms from his lower back down his leg into his foot. I phoned his GP, discussed my findings and GP was happy on my say-so to refer on for MRI without seeing the patient. Patient had MRI 2 weeks later and confirmed my suspicions that there was nerve compression.... That patient has now been referred to orthopaedics and is a candidate for surgery....All on the NHS.

Sometimes you just need to see the right person in the first instance.....

p.s i always advise people check to see if they can take ibuprofen as it can be nasty on the gut.
​Nick - The physio was a young lad in the NHS at the local cottage hospital and it was he who said he was not allowed to refer for 3 months.  I told the doc I was going private at 2.5 months and was in to see the specialist shortly after and then scan and then operation which was about 13 weeks after it happened.  Perhaps I should have shouted sooner.  I didn't envisage residual nerve damage and nobody warns you in advance so I just wanted to warn Wesley.  Ibuprofen can be hard on the stomach and must only be taken after food.  I was given something stronger than ibuprofen but was also given something to take each day to line the stomach to protect it.


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