Why is FITASC more expensive

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Four refs, 20 traps old system 36+ traps new system, some hoops, more show targets...and less through put of shooters.

Volume of shooters is reduced with FITASC compared to sporting
Is that because it's more expensive?  I'd love to shoot it but can't justify the price. It's ok if you're winning all the time because the payouts are good, but if you're as mediocre as me it's just not worth it.  :biggrin:

With Fitasc disciplines you are shooting thinking disciplines. If you are thinking if price then you are not even half way there.

You have to look at what you can afford for your month of shooting time and pick your events accordingly. It is all about what you 'really' want to shoot and what you really want to 'enjoy'.

Then you make your bed and lie in it.

Simples :wink:

Then you just have to shoot what is presented without moaning.

In general, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong - the throughput of shooters will always be reduced due to the amount of time it takes to shoot the parcours, each squad member will take a turn in the hoop to shoot a number of single birds (full use of gun) then they will each take another turn (1 place rotated) to shoot at doubles - the squad then moves onto a second hoop to repeat this (once again 1 place rotated).

Once this parcour is complete there is normally a break to allow all squads to be clear before you then go out to compete on another pacour.

This does take time and so reduces the number of available places on a days shooting.

It's great shooting, the clays are somwhat testing and this builds a good team spirit and the shoot represents more of a game day than a sporting layout, I love sporting myself but fitasc sporting is a very enjoyable challenge.

hope this helps, cheers, Growl.

I'd rather shoot one good FITASC sporting course in a day as two good English sporting courses in one day...

Is that because it's more expensive?  I'd love to shoot it but can't justify the price. It's ok if you're winning all the time because the payouts are good, but if you're as mediocre as me it's just not worth it.  :biggrin:
Haha maybe! I only shoot it now and again but love shooting it when i do.

It's the time it takes for a squad to shoot singles then doubles, in rotation, on three seperate hoops, per layout. 4 squads of 6 at a time shooting, take's 1/2 an hour to shoot a layout of 25 (give or take) 12 squads of six per layout, per day is about as much as old system can comfortably take...most cap entery's at 72...then you get the few who dont turn up...hence ground owners dont like to get messed about with cancelations for FITASC!!!

It's the time it takes for a squad to shoot singles then doubles, in rotation, on three seperate hoops, per layout. 4 squads of 6 at a time shooting, take's 1/2 an hour to shoot a layout of 25 (give or take) 12 squads of six per layout, per day is about as much as old system can comfortably take...most cap entery's at 72...then you get the few who dont turn up...hence ground owners dont like to get messed about with cancelations for FITASC!!!
We have a winner :hunter:

So there you go....it is horses for courses...

You put your money into what gives 'you' pleasure. 

No one would really expect we would all like the same choices did they......really???

None of our choices are right or wrong....they are just 'our' choices.

There is some justification for higher prices when shooting 'old system' Fitasc i.e.. max 72 entries realistically. But there is some doubt about 'new system' when well over a hundred can shoot within the allotted time. So you need 12 refs. at £70 - £80 each against a max. 5 in old system but the revenue from 120 shooters at £60 each will more than make up the difference.

The road to financial ruin lies where a 'new system' shoot is planned and laid out and then only 62 shooters book in. Not good. Just hope you have time to turn things around to 4 layouts!

Sporting bores me to tears at times but I love the variation in FITASC would choose it every time over sporting as for the cost I can shoot a 100 sporting layout in 40mins on a good day pound for pound I find Fitasc far better value for money but as Nicola said its all down to personal taste. :pickeat:

So there you go....it is horses for courses...

You put your money into what gives 'you' pleasure.

No one would really expect we would all like the same choices did they......really???

None of our choices are right or wrong....they are just 'our' choices.
i suppose that's why there are so many categories on you porn!!!!
jim , dont quite know the point you are making ???

probably the same as in your window production between hard wood and soft wood to an outsider its just four bits of wood joined together but i bet the price aint the same .

shall i book you in for sunday jim ???

I love both sporting and FITASC but the time that the latter takes to shoot is just beyond the pale. A recent 6 parcours event had two 1 hour breaks in between parcours 2 /3 and 4/5. We started at 10 and didn't finish til 3.15 pm, that's 5 1/4 hrs for just 100 birds. Sorry but for me that's just too long and I will think long and hard before venturing out again. Shame really cos the targets presented were superb.


I think Jim may think that Fitasc pricing is too expensive?

Obviously the smaller number of competitors has to be factored into the reduction of Referee's wages!

But if you think it through Fitasc is probably better value for money as an enjoyable pastime, does improve your shooting ability, but the biggest gripe I notice is the time it takes . Many just want to go out on a Sunday spend an hour shooting 100 and then off home.

You will never please all of the people all of the time.


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