What did you do today that’s shooting related?

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Signed a petition as one of five instigators required by law in order for said petition to go live, to revoke the recent changes to general licence

Thanks for the info ips I believe there is a petition on fb to get mr packham fired from his job at the bbc as he should be impartial not trying to use a public service to influence public . 

Thanks for the info ips I believe there is a petition on fb to get mr packham fired from his job at the bbc as he should be impartial not trying to use a public service to influence public . 
There is indeed Gareth, signed that as well 😁

I called AGL and cancelled my entry to Express Masters on Saturday. I had enough of shooting in gales in February and don’t want a replay. Sad to miss the event, but no space tomorrow available (when weather is fine). 😔

I called AGL and cancelled my entry to Express Masters on Saturday. I had enough of shooting in gales in February and don’t want a replay. Sad to miss the event, but no space tomorrow available (when weather is fine). 😔
Ha, I missed a call on my mobile from them about 15 minutes ago.  I'm down on their cancellation list.  Probably them offering me your place!

I put in an 82 at the very windy shoot just before Christmas at AGL.  Maybe I should get on the phone to them.

I called AGL and cancelled my entry to Express Masters on Saturday. I had enough of shooting in gales in February and don’t want a replay. Sad to miss the event, but no space tomorrow available (when weather is fine). 😔
Well that escalated, we are  booked in for 10.30 😪 on Saturday.  It’ll be like two different shoots.

I collected Dora the DT10 from the gunsmith who took it Tuesday evening and finished it yesterday - fitting new ejector for me.  A real treasure he is, been a gunsmith longer than I’ve been alive.  

Well that escalated, we are  booked in for 10.30 😪 on Saturday.  It’ll be like two different shoots.

I collected Dora the DT10 from the gunsmith who took it Tuesday evening and finished it yesterday - fitting new ejector for me.  A real treasure he is, been a gunsmith longer than I’ve been alive.  
I will miss watching you using that penknife to eject the shells, and sticking it into the foam on the cage bar. 😆

Did a round of 50 birds sporting and a round of sleek at lowes lane in Derbyshire. Hit 29 on the sporting and 18 on the skeet.. still class myself as a novice as never put the time in the past and would only go a handful of times a year, pushing myself to go once / twice a week now but stuck in the rut of middle 20's to middle 30's.. My aim this year is to get nearer the 40s but it's going to take some time and practice. 

Now sat in the shed cave cleaning the gun whilst the heaven's open outside 



Made three hundred fireball cases for the rifle tried some and works great from 223 cases, all good.


Not today but sunday.

Shot trap for first time time in at least 2yrs. Keeper mate invited me to accompany him at local clay ground. Shot two lines of 10 bird abt re entry managed an 8 and 9 then two 10 bird dtl managed a bird away and then a barrel away...not too shabby considering how long its been..oh and the eell had a day out. We wont mention the 50 bird sporting though 😉

2 months since SGC application. 

Not even excited anymore, just bored. 

On and off wet all day so decided to do the annual service on the sporter. I'm not anal about cleaning but when I do it I do it thoroughly and it got the full works right down to ejectors out for clean/relube (tricky little job on a CG).

Every time I do this I'm reminded of just how well made these CGs are and how much attention is paid to fit and finish. A certain other Italian maker could learn a thing or two from the Guerini brothers!

2 months since SGC application. 

Not even excited anymore, just bored. 
Perhaps a friendly and polite call to them might help.

I had a delay on my initial application, it was delayed due to a death in the police dept. Things got moving quickly after the call.

Good luck

Poked half an inch of mag spring into my thumb. Next time I want an anaesthetic first. 
