Sandringham Shooting Ground

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Feb 3, 2014
East Anglia


I'm not sure if this is this is the correct place for this question but hopefully someone will be able to help.


I was looking for charity clay shoots in the Norfolk area and I came across The Old Sandringham Shooting Ground at Wolferton. I was wondering if this anyone knew anything about this ground. I presume that it is not operational anymore as I can’t find a website for it.


Is this a venue that can be rented for the day? I'm guessing that it would be Sandringham estate that own/manage the land?


Any info would be great.



Think its by invite of the queen only, as they hold a princes trust shoot there and it states "To be held at The old Shooting Ground, Sandringham by gracious permission of Her Majesty The Queen"

If you know her maj then give here a bell and ask. ;-)

Sandringham Shooting ground is indeed on the Queens estate, it was run by a ex copper called Graham Brown (no relation to Browner from Purbeck).

I think he was given the welly and then it ceased holding Fitasc selection shoots.  He then went to the USA and wore out his welcome and the last I heard of him was when he went to N.Z. and sett targets for the World English Sporting and screwed that up as well!  (72 ex 100 was a very good score).

Yes Graham Browns name had come up in some of the searches I have done but nothing else about him! It seems like an area crying out for a good clay ground!

Yes Graham Browns name had come up in some of the searches I have done but nothing else about him! It seems like an area crying out for a good clay ground!
Was a good ground a few years back in an old sand pit, as far as i know it`s. Now Shut

Yes Graham Browns name had come up in some of the searches I have done but nothing else about him! It seems like an area crying out for a good clay ground!
Just give Liz a bell and suggest it mate, you never know your luck!!!  Just make sure you put in an OT layout when you get the thumbs up!!!

Shot there once about 10 yrs ago or maybe even longer than that. Think it was a major or selection shoot. Good ground from what I can remember.

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The ground was run by Graham BROWNE untill about 15 years ago, and I believe the estate manager changed and was not as supportive. Graham does alot of work with Laporte now.



I think Phillip has been known to shoot his trap occasionally, coupled with shooting himself in the foot. My Hero really.

As expected Agent came back and said: " I am afraid we do not want to reopen the old shooting ground at Wolferton.  We do have a charity shoot there once a year but I am afraid we do not want to do more than that."


Probably someone moaned about the targets, the payouts, the coffee or.....all of the above :wink:
