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It matters not a jot , if a referee correctly calls a result and then the competitor and mates refuse the decision and it is then upheld by the ground owner /organiser who happens to be a mate of the competitor.

Please read the rules, a referees decision is final !

But of course it can be changed by various outside influences.

Which just about sums up this farce.

What a great sport this really is where we gang up on a referee and belittle them, remember you may only be out in bad weather conditions for an hour or two and maybe can shelter, a referee is stuck there for maybe eight hours.

It matters not a jot , if a referee correctly calls a result and then the competitor and mates refuse the decision and it is then upheld by the ground owner /organiser who happens to be a mate of the competitor.

Please read the rules, a referees decision is final !

But of course it can be changed by various outside influences.

Which just about sums up this farce.

What a great sport this really is where we gang up on a referee and belittle them, remember you may only be out in bad weather conditions for an hour or two and maybe can shelter, a referee is stuck there for maybe eight hours.
on several occasions i have seen less experienced refs bullied and have stepped in to back them up as the shooter is blatantly cheating,there are some though that i have never seen anyone query.

how can a ground owner if not present at the time have any opinion on what happened?

in the long run i believe what are perceived as wrong decisions go both ways and average out,i have only ever once seen somebody get there scorecard corrected for targets they did not hit!

Personally, I read the rules inside out for FITASC before I shot it, I've read them several times since...I've had some unpleasant experience's through pulling people up at shoots for breaking rules. Gun creeping and no FITASC line are the most commonly broken rules, followed by badgering refs...

it is what your used to as well,  

i have shot FITASC for many years, almost exclusively, and had to `adjust` to ESP,,no problem,, i read the rules,,, no real choice really if you want to shoot clays here in the UK, ,, but i can say there is as much rule bending and lack of etiquette in esp as ever there was in FITASC, if fact the worst is the old pals together in a squad.!  for any big event its imperative to have ref`s, and to be random squadded, at least it helps with impartiality, and you get to meet lots of new people,, 

Well folks I'm reffing at westfields this weekend for the fitasc.......Newbies will be given all the help and encouragement they need

Watch out the rest... :p


won't be there I'm afraid 

please keep up your usuall high 

standards much missed these days I'm afraid !! 

Respect to you my friend ?

Chance to get something off my chest thats been niggling me for years. Took my two sons to the English open at southern counties in the early 2000s they had shot one or two redgistered shoots preveously,bearing in mind they were 11 and thirteen yrs old at the time on entering the stand one off my boys on calling for his first birds had omited to realise his safety catch (probably in part due to haveing the importance of safety drilled into him) pair lost shouts the ref with a face like thunder. what a hero. I know the reason for the rule but there's rules and common sense good refs apply both. I must add probably the only ref I will never forgive by and large they do a great job.

Chance to get something off my chest thats been niggling me for years. Took my two sons to the English open at southern counties in the early 2000s they had shot one or two redgistered shoots preveously,bearing in mind they were 11 and thirteen yrs old at the time on entering the stand one off my boys on calling for his first birds had omited to realise his safety catch (probably in part due to haveing the importance of safety drilled into him) pair lost shouts the ref with a face like thunder. what a hero. I know the reason for the rule but there's rules and common sense good refs apply both. I must add probably the only ref I will never forgive by and large they do a great job.
That's it - common sense and knowing when to use it.  I've had extremely positive experiences in my early days with refs and I'm grateful for it.  They've given me so much encouragement, yes they've been lenient too on occasions, they've cheered me on and bolstered my confidence when I've faced coming away with so poor a score.  They've offered advice and genuinely been pleased for me as I've improved.  I'm very fond of them.   I don't get leniency anymore and I shouldn't I am now starting to hold my own but they still give me loads of encouragement.  

Where it is obvious that someone's ability is not going to affect the outcome of the competition they mostly get it right particularly with our very young shots.  Purists won't like that it's got to be all or nothing.

While I agree there needs to be common sense, there also needs to be some with shooters. Your sons shot in the English Open, a major fitasc event, and in that particular instance he was right and applied the correct decision, yes it is harsh but the rules are there for a reason. Recently an official complaint was raised, after the shoot had finished, about another shooter who had been allowed to shoot without a line on his coat. The ref's should have ensured he had a line and stopped him shooting until  line was added. They didn't, due to the leniency that has crept in to reffing but now it has caused a row. 

Chance to get something off my chest thats been niggling me for years. Took my two sons to the English open at southern counties in the early 2000s they had shot one or two redgistered shoots preveously,bearing in mind they were 11 and thirteen yrs old at the time on entering the stand one off my boys on calling for his first birds had omited to realise his safety catch (probably in part due to haveing the importance of safety drilled into him) pair lost shouts the ref with a face like thunder. what a hero. I know the reason for the rule but there's rules and common sense good refs apply both. I must add probably the only ref I will never forgive by and large they do a great job.
playing devils advocate one could argue that they learned at least two valuable lessons that day.

always check your safety


rules are rules and are applied to everyone

(the latter is very important Imo as rules in all aspects of life apply to men women and children)

Personally I'm all for the rules being enforced at every opportunity.

when I was just starting I wasn't aware of the protocol for missfires, and opened my gun without calling the ref over, resulted in lost targets (simo pair). Could be deemed harsh as only a young lad but I remembered it and knew what to do next time!

the rules can be enforced while still treating the shooter kindly and with respect (not bollocking them) which means everyone learns when needed and we all shoot from a level playing field.

Having shot Fitasc 4/5 times i have never worn a vest with a line, I shot with a pouch and usually my wear my Schoffel fleece, Having once asked a ref whether the absence of a line was an issue he noted my pre mount gun postition was well below what was required. I have now switched back to a new vest so should ok in future.

playing devils advocate one could argue that they learned at least two valuable lessons that day.

always check your safety


rules are rules and are applied to everyone

(the latter is very important Imo as rules in all aspects of life apply to men women and children)
Yes they learned a third lesson also, some people ar'nt worth the time of day on a cheap whatch. Imo it was not in the applying of the rule it was the manner in which it was done with complete lack of compassion and a seeming delight at being able to inflict as much humiliation as possible.

Yes they learned a third lesson also, some people ar'nt worth the time of day on a cheap whatch. Imo it was not in the applying of the rule it was the manner in which it was done with complete lack of compassion and a seeming delight at being able to inflict as much humiliation as possible.
obviously we / I cannot comment on that as we didn't witness it but your original post read more that you were unhappy with the ruling being applied. Goes without saying that refs should have a professional manner about them at all times so if this was not the case then I can see why you would be unhappy with the way your son was treated.

Civilized people generally understand that common courtesy is a rule

except on the internet of course where points are scored for the level of assholiness - or so it seems.  Which is why I always try to be that perfectly lovely person

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