New call for restrictions on gun ownership

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2014

Latest news report states that a man shot his wife and daughter after they "were giving him sh*t for weeks", i suppose my question around this subject is have any of the "Old and Bold" (no offence intended), noticed a marked difference in the way local constabularies go about issuing licences and revoking them where neccessary?

Following the report there appears to be calls for changes in how certificates are issued, and subsiquent increases to the licence fee.....

Also in the report it describes that the shooter was handed back his guns by the police just a couple of months earlier, and they constabulary are currently "assisting with equiries", ergo a degree of fault is with them...?!?!????

As a fairly new SGC holder, i am curious to the future of our sport and what experienced hands believe the path it follows.

Been listening to this story on the radio news.

Awful story, and my heart goes out to the family of the people that died.

Unfortunately I can see this tragic incident having a "very" negative effect on the rest of us legal firarms owners! Especially because of the allegations against Surrey police about giving him his guns back! All police forces across the country will now be paranoid about licensing..... only takes one case like this, to completely screw the rest of us! Just like the change in the Handgun laws....

I hate that these kinds of issues are made about gun ownership rather than about male violence. The gun is a red herring. The Counting Dead Women project shows that women are being killed by men all the time, no guns involved.

I hate to say it, but if you are going to kill people a gun is a good tool. But if you are that deranged, with no gun to hand, the big knife in the kitchen drawer, or similar, is the next port of call surely.

Chill Pill takes a lot more than journalistic stories to change the laws of the land.

It could have been a knife or a car or a hammer etc etc is just sad for us (in a sporting sense) that it was a gun.

There are also lots of issues with Women on men violence toooo ...if we are being fair.

That's the point Will. He would have probably tried to kill them in another way rather than his .410 shotgun.

Unfortunatley, it will become an issue about shotguns, rather than an issue about a murderer!

That's the point Will. He would have probably tried to kill them in another way rather than his .410 shotgun.

Unfortunatley, it will become an issue about shotguns, rather than an issue about a murderer!
Only in the media ...until the next story comes along.....

In real life.... government has to be more measured in their responses. Laws are not changed easily....especially after what it cost to pay out on the hand guns.

Being an outsider I prolly have not place to comment but there are things to be considered.  If the cops get hammered on this one, it may well give the cops everywhere more incentive to grab guns in zero to marginal instances and keep them.  From reading here it seems that your biggest worry is not the legislature but the local and empowered crusader for safety with a badge.  It also seems you have little control over that and are subject to whatever whims float in on the night breezes.

besta luck

Firstly, condolences to the family of the two Women.

Putting the related concerns to one side for a moment (ie Men on Women violence etc) Purely from a sporting and licensing perspective I agree with Tinks, let's not go into overdrive on this.

However, the Surrey police have accepted that their investigations were "flawed" and sadly that will aid the calls for some kind of reform. Also one of the deceased's relatives was calling for "vastly increased licensing fees in order to improve the necessary cross agency checks"

I can see the Police latching onto this to increase revenue if nothing else. 

Had this Male simply used the shotgun to take his own life, I doubt it would even had made the news. The fact is he used a gun that had recently been returned to him by the relevant Police Force, to commit murder. One can only hazard a guess as to WHY they had been removed in the first instance. I would suspect,  that as an outcome of the internal enquiry and also the external enquiry, there will be further 'guidelines' issued to all Police Forces in relation to Firearms and domestic issues. This in itself is open to abuse, remember it is easier to voluntarily offer to surrender your guns and Certificate for an agreeable period of time than the alternative of having your Certificate revoked. A telephone call to the Police reporting a domestic problem, whether substantiated or not, if you have guns in the house, then kiss them goodbye. Ask anyone who has had to endure a messy Divorce.


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