It's arrived !

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Oct 1, 2013
Monmouth, Monmouthshire
Had my FEO visit last wednesday the 4th Dec and unbelievably my certificate arrived today on the not so unlucky Friday the 13th !! The visit went well and he told to expect the certificate in 4 to 5 weeks so shocked when the wife rang to say I had post from the police...I thought it must be a refusal..... but no it had arrived.So finished work within an hour .... my customer understood that I was excited, promised to come back next week to finish, and off to the gunshop to pick up my Beretta 686 special that's been sat there waiting for me to collect excited that xmas has come early,but still plenty of shopping to do.

Now doesn't that just take you back all those years ago (some of us that is or even decades for some) was for me the same feeling I had when I first drove a car alone after passing my test :pickeat:  Strutting into the gunshop like someone who had just won the lottery with that new license that meant I will have a million cartridges just because I can xD

Exciting times mate.

Take some advice though. Try to have a long hard look at your bank balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it will never be the same again !!!  :haha:

Had my FEO visit last wednesday the 4th Dec and unbelievably my certificate arrived today on the not so unlucky Friday the 13th !! The visit went well and he told to expect the certificate in 4 to 5 weeks so shocked when the wife rang to say I had post from the police...I thought it must be a refusal..... but no it had arrived.So finished work within an hour .... my customer understood that I was excited, promised to come back next week to finish, and off to the gunshop to pick up my Beretta 686 special that's been sat there waiting for me to collect excited that xmas has come early,but still plenty of shopping to do.
I too have a 686 waiting for collection when my ticket turns up, though mine is the Silver Pigeon Sporting 1.

How long did it take from posting your application to receiving your SGC? I am being advised upto 12 weeks in this area. Though I have tied it to my FAC so not sure if I have to have another visit etc.
Excellent! I'm with West Mids, and got my Cert hand delivered, yes that's delivered by hand, in just 10 days from the application going in. Superb service it has to be said. (not a straight renewal really as I'd let my old cert lapse for around 7 years and I'd moved house a few times)

In contrast, 3 guy's I know who all live in the Worcester/Warks (now combined) area have been waiting months. Applications have been lost, requests for more photo's etc. Another guy was saying he'd been given a letter to use to buy cart's while waiting for his renewal............utter shambles   :fie:

Hope you enjoy your Beretta  :good:
