Health and safety gone mad!

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Well dear, I am struggling to be sure....I am still trying to work out what 'you' mean by maturity.....and then translate the rest of it......and in the middle of a rather good Poirot.....but don't worry I will keep at it.

(But no need to shout dear or make big writing ....I am using my spectacles ).

Now......did I mention how Trapisstaaaaas can walk and chew gun with a gun placed elegantly over the shoulder...?
"rather good Poirot" !!!

Really Nic, we'll have to do something about your literary tastes. :fie:

Well done everyone - another member who cancelled their account due to the hectoring and lecturing on this thread.

Well done everyone - another member who cancelled their account due to the hectoring and lecturing on this thread.
Bad news Matt.

I think that we are all glad to have this forum, but I for one am guilty of occasionally forgetting that it should ONLY be a vehicle for exchange of views - we are all entitled to ours - and that must be in a decent manner. i hope that the vast majority of my posts are in that vein.

Anything that is overtly personal, condescending, rudely superior, offensively smug or just plain unfriendly ought to be picked up on by Admin. Three strikes and out?

Anything that is overtly personal, condescending, rudely superior, offensively smug or just plain unfriendly ought to be picked up on by Admin. Three strikes and out?
Other forums have been known to operate a ban policy when the circumstances warrant it.

Well done everyone - another member who cancelled their account due to the hectoring and lecturing on this thread.
I'm new and have been following this thread with interest. Some of the fluffy rabbits has been robust, but it strikes me that most of that has been between long term members who are familiar enough with each other to feel comfortable enough being blunt. I've been involved in other forums where that takes place and it's fine, but I've also seen it where the 'usual crowd' gang up on newcomer and drive them away. Haven't seen any evidence of that yet, so I'm afraid I'll be sticking around for now ;-)
This is a shooting forum not a knitting circle.

Everyone has their own view on a subject, some are informed views and some are not, but that still does not mean that they do not have a right to a view.

If people are getting prissy at information given out on both sides of a discussion they maybe they should take up cards or knitting.

....just saying. 

Of the 4 or 5 other shooting forums I've occasionally lurked in I would say none has such knowledgeable, helpful and informative members as this one. OTOH over on what is probably the longest existing UK site, I've seen advice, comments and suggestions which can vary from stupid to wrong to absolutely cringe making.

None of us is right about everything and opinions will vary but we don't turn nasty, a bit defensive or sarcastic perhaps, but not nasty or personal and there is no one on here I wouldn't be happy to go for a drink with.

Some people are put off by strongly held opinions. Perhaps they're amongst those who don't bollock their children for doing something wrong, instead they discuss with the child (who usually has a name like Willow), that he made a 'poor choice'. I suspect most of us are made of sterner stuff.

perhaps we could have a risk assessment conducted before we post a thread???

Just A thought

There are some very thin skinned folk who seem to have no perception of friendly sarcasm, irony or humour in general. Goodness knows how these folk get through a day.

Grow a pair or log in to a different forum this ones for real men ................ oh and Nicola and a few other well chosen girlies :)

There are some very thin skinned folk who seem to have no perception of friendly sarcasm, irony or humour in general. Goodness knows how these folk get through a day.

Grow a pair or log in to a different forum this ones for real men ................ oh and Nicola and a few other well chosen girlies :)
Apparently I am not I have been told......not sure if it is to be viewed as a compliment or not..... L. O. L

The idiot who said it was being malicious. But I quite like the that I have a crew cut.....and my husband refers to me as Bob....!!

I have never come across this before .   :banned:
AirgunBBS,,, PigeonWatch, just to name a few....................there are certain lines you shouldn't cross. 

I have never come across this before lol   :banned:
Happens on most, if not all forums - I try and avoid it as far as possible... but it seems we may need to ban some of the more arrogant/lecturing people here if it continues to scare off new shooters.
