EJ Churchill ESP registered 7.11.13

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Will Hewland

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
CPSA Registered Shoot

The next monthly CPSA registered shoot will take place on Thursday 7th November. Shoot the 100 bird course from 10am with last entries taken at 2pm. Enter the competition for £37.50 and shoot birds only for £32.50.

No booking required; manned stands.

Looks like I will be there for 11 start!

Got the day off work so gonna go to this one.. Thinking about an 11 o clock start

I shall be here probably around 12ish

Really enjoy this but wish they're push the boat out a little and do 11 or 12 stands


I shall be here probably around 12ish

Really enjoy this but wish they're push the boat out a little and do 11 or 12 stands

Agreed. I think it was originally 10 stands when they first started and it was aimed at getting a low entry. With 60-70+ these days it may well justify another. I'll mention it to Rob..

EJC say they would love to do 12 stands, but struggle to find enough refs mid-week. They are looking for more, so presumably if you have a bit of experience and want to, give them a call.

They could run it like I do windrush on sat , one ref between two stands it works well and we have done 110 entries like this !!!

Give Rob your wisdom whilst you are there Steve ..... :wink:

I always got bored with plain old English sporting and often wished that the stands with on report pairs were set up to shoot 2 pairs one way round and 2 pairs the other way round. Then make up the birds on the Simo stands by making them shoot more pairs on there....see if people could hold it together for say 6 or 8 or 10 pairs :laugh:

.....just saying.. :kiss:

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They could run it like I do windrush on sat , one ref between two stands it works well and we have done 110 entries like this !!!
I was close to suggesting this, but thought with a good entry it might cause a wait.. By all means Steve, feedback to Rob when you are there. They don't compete with your weekend shoots.

I will be there late morning.

I would guess that the ground would be a nightmare if the CPSA shoot was on a Saturday given that they are always very busy Saturdays! 

Give Rob your wisdom whilst you are there Steve ..... :wink:

I always got bored with plain old English sporting and often wished that the stands with on report pairs were set up to shoot 2 pairs one way round and 2 pairs the other way round. Then make up the birds on the Simo stands by making them shoot more pairs on there....see if people could hold it together for say 6 or 8 or 10 pairs :laugh:

.....just saying.. :kiss:

we have 5 pairs here week in week out and it certainly gets boring quickly at times.

We ref and mark our own squads weekly here so that helps keep the costs down but just recently a club who have returned to the mix want to raise the entries to £30 if they set up over ten stands, the other thing is we aren't provided with bins anymore, over the past two years clubs have done away with bins and we have to be responsible for our own empties and rubbish OR it's been classed as Gross Misconduct .. 
Quite like that idea !!!!!!!

It costs a lot of money a month for me to get rid of our empty cases

It still amazes me that we provide alot of bins but we still find boxes in strange places the common one is shoved under the back of shooters cars !!!!!

I know Rob who owns agri cycle personally and I can't recommend them enough, very good company and just lately got awarded the royal warrant for services to the queens estates.

Well at least the weather was good!

Met up with a few mates including Clayclouter, JKC and Tim A. Stand 1 was nice and steady and was therefore in isolation, as the rest of the course ranged from firm to tough. There was a marked swing in hardness level from the recent shoots. I usually find EJC to be a few targets easier than many, but this was 10 harder. (That means 5 harder for the top guys and 25 harder for the least experienced).

My worst stands both involved walking up steps. The rabbit and crosser stand and the two r-l riser/ looper stand cost me 13 targets! There were several stands that had two hard targets, making for some crushing effects to score cards.

With three stands to go I needed a straight run to end on 80. Kicking myself so hard for missing two easy aways, to finish on 78.

84 was leading on the board when I left, with Chris Childerhouse still to finish. The feeling was that a 92 might be possible, but I won't be surprised if this gets won in the 80's.

Think today saw a focus on an event on the estate over the road, so this course was not as well considered as it might have been. No stand was daft, but I did hear the word 'relentless' used by a few. It was interesting, varied and nicely presented, but just easing two of the toughest stands a touch would have lifted a few facial expressions.

Still enjoyed it!

Oh, and they have got it nicely sorted at the reception desk, with entries entered to CPSA system on arrival and the big TV showing scores. Nice.

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