Crossing / Quartering Targets

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2013
Ive been watching the Quiet Dust Shooting DVD and I'm a little confused by some of his terminology. He demos techiques for crossing and quatering targets however the targets look the same.

When does a crosser become a quatering target or am I missing something?

:fie:  If you are going to watch videos watch PORN! you will probably learn something? :crazy:  

Shootinguru can answer this in an expert fashion but has chosen not to.   I am no expert but it is to do with angle and sometimes is can be very subtle especially to those of us who are newish.

Crossers go pretty much straight across in front of you, left to right or right to left.  Quartering targets go at an angle, either incoming or outgoing.  Some of them aren't far off of being crossers others are not far off going straight away or straight in.

The above may be completely wrong, but that's how I understand them.

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:fie:  If you are going to watch videos watch PORN! you will probably learn something? :crazy:  
Yep, such as the fact; that while there are some Talented F*ckers out there (Gebben), some are just massive C*cks (guess?) . . .

To answer your question.

A quartering target is anything less than a crosser, but is usually a narrow angle target (like Skeet High 2, or Low 6).

For the two targets at the same speed, the "lead" is the same, but you will see much less on the quartering target and it will appear to be much faster.  So the hold point is further out, near the kill point and the gun movement is much less

Gebben uses, what we would call maintained lead on crossers (I think), and some other "tool" on the quartering targets....cant remember which...but they are different in the go take another look :)

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Eh? Where did Guru's post go...he wasn't THAT far off the mark, clay shooting vids/DVD's are pretty much useless...I've only watched one that was worth watching!!! ;) I bought Gebbin and George's DVD's, luckily I managed to sell them for close to what I paid (before anyone says, George and Gebbin are two of the best sporting shots on the planet, that I dont dispute) both DVD's were of little or no use as instructional tools.

I would have thought a quartering target would be anything from 22.5 degrees to 67.5 degrees, crossing 67.5 to 112.5 degrees, going away bird 0 to 22 degrees (as dtl is)incomer 112.5 to 167.5 degrees, driven 167.5 to 180 degrees.

I don't have a problem with what you wrote SG - I am not that easily offended - I just wish you would share your knowledge with us.

Yep, such as the fact; that while there are some Talented F*ckers out there (Gebben), some are just massive C*cks (guess?) . . .

To answer your question.

A quartering target is anything less than a crosser, but is usually a narrow angle target (like Skeet High 2, or Low 6).

For the two targets at the same speed, the "lead" is the same, but you will see much less on the quartering target and it will appear to be much faster.  So the hold point is further out, near the kill point and the gun movement is much less

Gebben uses, what we would call maintained lead on crossers (I think), and some other "tool" on the quartering targets....cant remember which...but they are different in the go take another look :)
Your right, he does have a different set-up for each. What I couldn't work put was the position of the trap and the angle it was throwing the clay. On screen it was almost the same.

Instructional film's have there place. It's always good to see other people's techniques, suggestions etc. I spend a lot of time training Spaniels, you can't train one from watching a DVD but you can pick up a lot of drill's to go out and practice with your own dogs.

George Orwell 1984! thought police  etc., :fie:  

No, not THOUGHT Police, because you didn't just derailed the thread immediately, without even offering a shred of advice from your apparent, All-encompassing-knowledge.

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No, not THOUGHT Police, because you didn't just derailed the thread immediately, without even offering a shred of advice from your apparent, All-encompassing-knowledge.
Gents if only you knew....

so, Wynn, enlighten everyone, what do we not know?  I can well imagine that Cyril is a very knowledgeable bloke , no argument there. I also expect him to be gracious in his dealings with everyone here,and pass on his obvious talents in a meaningful way.

please do not see this as an affront, I do not know him,,, or you,, or most others on here,,,

I really feel a bit more goodwill and less attacking individuals who ask innocent questions will be better, this  comment is aimed at any/every-one on the particular person,, but I do see  the odd 'not nice' comments bandied around.

my 2 cents,,,,,

:fie:  It was a tongue in cheek answer as I had not seen the video and could not really comment on it?

I try to inject a little humour in this website occasionaly but with the straight laced church wardens on here its doomed to faliure. :preved:    

Cyril has been there, done that and has many T shirts in his wardrobe. How many of the keyboard warriors on here can say that they have put on shoots..... 

Wylie valley under Cyril's ownership was the place to go to shoot a fantastic array of targets, why do you think that ALL his shoots were oversubscribed.

Cyril is quite correct about the video's, You'll only learn by doing, not watching on a 50in screen.

I have enormous respect for Cyril, yes he can be a grumpy bugger (sorry Cyril), but I will defend him and his right to speak out to the hilt. 

I do have a question for the moderator who removed Cyril's original post   WHY ????

:fie: It was a tongue in cheek answer as I had not seen the video and could not really comment on it?

I try to inject a little humour in this website occasionaly but with the straight laced church wardens on here its doomed to faliure. :preved:
I actually just laughed because I got what you meant the instant I read it...


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