Who to vote for

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2017
Normally I have a clear idea of who I'm voting for and normally stand behind them as I do enjoy politics. But for the life of me I genuinely don't know who to vote for today. What are everyone's thoughts? 

I like the thought of Labour's policy but I think Jeremy corbyn and his team are too week I also don't think he has a chance of getting a majority vote. 

Conservative all look a bit sneaky, I don't know what it is with Teresa may but she always looks like she is controlling the questions she is asked and I think she should have been on all the tv debates if she believes in her manifesto.

Were do you suggest i put it? 
For those easily upset (i am not) probably the Cocktail Lounge.  For my part - some of Labour's ideas may sound good but they live in a pretend world.  Conservatives have their faults as do all political parties generally but I voted for what I know even if I don't agree with all of it.  Whatever you decide use your vote.

ukip  for me  poor general policies but good on immigration   , whoever gets in nothing will change to benefit me !   all their snouts in the money trough .  

don't understand politics so I never vote. Cant see the point in giving an opinion on something I know nothing about. Also things further than my front gate hold little interest to me. I don't read papers, I don't watch the news (ever) I don't listen to the radio.

two weeks ago my wife and I realised we did not know who our pm was we had an idea it was a woman but didn't know the name or which party. That is absolutely the truth. So as you can see my vote would be worthless.

Tory - wants your house before you've quite died, will continue to fund bankers above you, plans to reduce tax for corporations (which the big ones don't pay anyway), plans to liquidate/privatise the nhs, says there is no money tree but itching to throw trillions on nukes we can't even use without US permission (old ones apparently don't incinerate the enemy fast enough) and always find money for drones and smart bombs in conflicts that breed more terrorism, wants you to pay to have uni education (god forbid you become wise enough to spot their shenanigan), wants to make you think the needy/disabled and low income are scumbag lowlives who brought it on themselves, wants you to think bosses earning £1m + are clever and that the world won't function without them (even though it did function here 40 years ago and do now in many civilised countries across the planet including Europe)

Labour - wants to save the nhs, wants to increase police numbers (which the tories cut) wants to make uni education free (like it was to you and I), wants to tax those earning over £80k a tiny bit more for the good of the nation, wants to close corporate tax loopholes, wants to take a moment to see whether we really need to be dropping smart bombs on other continents, wants to re-privatise certain utilities such as rail networks (like they were) and stop corporations bleeding the public dry, wants a more sensible distribution of wealth and resources.

The Media - owned by the uber rich (6 corporations own everyfink) hate one of the above and have relentlessly used their might and resources from day one in order to demonise him/her and brainwash you into thinking he/she is the commi anti-Christ.  Keep dancing with the devil but don't keep wondering why you keep waking up in hell. 


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I would have voted for anyone who had a chance to oust the Tory incumbent where I live, but as there is a snowball in hell's chance of that happening I voted for the party that has the policies that my views are most aligned with.  I've always hated everything the Tories stand for.  The bedroom tax, cuts to disability funding, legal aid cuts, wanting to scrap the Human Rights Act, scrapping nurses bursaries, planning to implement the Napier Report, dementia tax proposals (the list is almost endless) are things that only somebody with absolutely no empathy for their fellow man would even consider as being reasonable.

If you seriously believe that money grows on trees, vote Labour.

If you think that the available money supply needs to be managed, vote Conservative.

If you just want to waste a vote, then vote for any of the others.

Simple!   :)

They all lie at times but at least the Conservatives can get there ducks in a row.

If you want an out of touch clown for prime minister then vote Labour and Corbyns circus will bring the country to its knees.

In thee absence of any credible opposition I will vote for Conservatives.  I cannot stand Theresa May, it feels like allowing the school dinner lady to fly the plane on the school skiing trip.

If the socialist gets in it will be a complete and utter unmitigated disaster with public money being thrown after one lost cause after another.  Raising taxes sounds good, but anyone with an option simply wont pay it, historically when rate goes up revenue goes down as its cheaper to use an efficient advised model.

Plus like many others I'm sick of funding people who are keen to blow me up.

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Those of us of a certain age can attest to the fact that Corbyn's bribery ideas to lift the "poor" out of whatever situation it is he thinks they're in by taking money from those he defines as highly paid simply DOESN'T WORK. It's all been tried before; per Dennis Healey: "I'm going to squeeze the rich until the pips squeak".... Well he ended up squeezing everyone else but not the rich, because the rich are either smarter than politicians or can pay for people who are.

It's not a simple numbers game and Labour voters never understand that. For example, when the tories reduced corporation tax the total receipts actually went up. Now Corbyn and his Muppets want to increase it again.

The problem with the NHS is not a funding problem it's a demand problem. The population has increased by 1.5 million since 2010 and at least 75% of the population make no effort whatsoever to look after their own health and well being.

Same old same old with Corbyn's Labour. No need to address the real issues just throw money at them. Take it from the producers and dish it out to the non producers.


Your going to get one anyway. :D

In all seriousness, I cannot stand Corbyn, its nothing to do with labour, but purely his stance on terrorism. he has voted against every change in the laws on terrorism for 40 odd years, whether labour or Tory Government. If he is in support of terrorism, from the IRA to current IS problem, i certainly don`t want him in charge of the Country. he is not happy for the police to shoot to kill? what is the point of that? give them a cuppa and a biscuit? As we cannot protect ourselves, the Police have to. 

Simple choice at the end of the day.

Ukip for me. I know it's a slight lost cause now but I don't want the tories backtracking on brexit. Just to let them know the silent majority are still watching.

If you seriously believe that money grows on trees, vote Labour.

Simple!   :)
Banks and governments, create currency way, way faster than even a forest of money trees could, mate.

That's why there is "no money tree"...they have a quicker way...
