John Jeffries Custom Shotguns

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yep that's what I referred to in earlier post

Whilst I didn't get on brilliantly with JJ's Perazzi (wasn't keen on the balance of the one I tried), I really enjoyed shooting the Perugini & Visini Suprema when I tried it.  Very seriously considered buying one.

In effect - put a really high bead on the front and raise the comb
As ips said - exactly.  And I might add (as I have so many times in regard to the HPX), BFD.  BUT - The True Believer will not be dissuaded I'm sure as rational thought and simple geometry are meaningless in such discussions.

but it still is just way fooking funny

Mr Perazzi has I believe taken it up on the new Perazzi hi-tech sporter which has I think the RSR rib ? or a similar type rib 
A miss-understanding

It has been brought to my attention that there is a rumour around the circuit that the new Perazzi High-Tech is an HPX copy.

I am writing this explanation as that rumour is a long way from the truth. My HPX gun designs are totally different and the High-Tech is most definitely not a copy.

I recently visited the factory (to select more stocks for HPX guns etc) and during our conversations, Mauro Perazzi asked me to look at the new High-Tech gun that they were just about to release. I have to say, I was very impressed. It is very well designed, a joy to look at and handle and I am sure it will be a great new product for Perazzi to market. It is however, nothing like my HPX guns, either the SR1, the RSR or the DSR. It has a very interesting and clever top rib that appears because of its design, to give the same view for its full length. Unlike my RSR and DSR it is fitted and mounted in the normal way just like any other shotgun currently available and in some way it is similar to my SR1 which although this gun has a special top rib too it is fairly conventional. The SR1 has a short ramp elevating the sight picture well above the breech separating it somewhat from the High-Tech. The High-Tech, good as it is, is nothing like the RSR and DSR. These two HPX models offer the shooter the best target vision of any shotgun currently available now and from the past. I have a great business relationship with Mauro Perazzi and I congratulated him on his new design and I know he likes mine too. We have between us an agreement that he will not produce any of my designs either for his marketing or anyone else. We respect our different designs and this will remain in practice for hopefully, a long time into the future.

It is obvious that there are some people who either just do not understand my designs or who do not really want to give credit where it is due. The number of customers I have sold HPX guns too including the latest RSR’s and DSR’s have presented me with numerous comments and testimonials as to how an HPX has improved their shooting. The superior target vision from these two models is now well recognised and respected and I invite all doubters to come and try for themselves to see just how they work. Most people get the hang of it instantly and are quite bemused as to how much better they see the target. My designs may not be your choice but you cannot fail after testing and handling the RSR or DSR to see why this sight picture is truly special.

Both the High-Tech and my HPX guns are superb examples of top performance shotgun designs and they will both have their following and hopefully good customer sales. They are totally different from each other and offer different ways of securing the best target vision possible which is paramount when using a shotgun. Check them both out with me or wherever and I am confident that you be pleasantly surprised. Well done to Perazzi on both counts, theirs and mine.


I look forward to being amazed and astounded when the community of Olympic shooters flock to the HPX innovation.

As I mentioned several months ago, Al Ljutic pioneered a rib-less extreme high front sighted trap gun in the trapezoidal front sight version of the Space Gun.  Pretty much the unadorned version of the HPX rib.  That was sometime in the 1950's and it didn't really catch on then either.  

try as I might I still don't get this reverse rib thing, it doesn't make sense to me.

not saying its doesn't work not saying it isn't brilliant I just don't get it.
The idea is that it takes your head away from the action of the gun so you can see more of the target.  I have a Perazzi HPX DSR........bloody love the gun to bits.  I sold my Trust MK38 as this is the one and only gun for me.  Does it work?.......I would suggest that I shoot more instinctively with it.  Why?.....because I genuinely see less of the gun.

In this matter, as well as related ones such as the choke tube that never misses, I always feel the need to refer to the wisdom of   past ages.  As may be recalled, P.T.Barnum said something akin to "there's a sucker born every minute."

and just moments ago I mentioned - "BUT - The True Believer will not be dissuaded I'm sure as rational thought and simple geometry are meaningless in such discussions."

Just because you think it doesn't make it so

Just because you believe it doesn't make it real

With all due respect, Simbo, that is just a repackaged idea/concept that is far from new and has taken may forms in the past and even present.  

have a nice day

Well for my tuppence worth there are people out there who actually believe if they spend more on a cartridge they will break more targets... and that is the height of simplistic foolishness... and out of that belief they spend anything up to €180 per thousand more for them. If that sets their heads straight then good for them likewise the man who would spend money on a top quality shotgun... the difference here is though, regardless of whether you actually shoot well the gun is exactly as described and is in real terms the cheapest bit of shooting kit you are going to buy over the course of your shooting life. A cartridge goes bang once, in the case of Fiocchi maybe not even, and YOU either break the target or it sails into the distance ... the cartridge actually does very little different to what any other cartridge would do regardless of whether it cost €170/1000 or € 350/1000 . Now of course if you can spend €12000 on a gun then the cartridges will not be a problem... but lets not get confused into thinking that in some way expensive cartridges are "ENGINEERED"  differently to humble cheapies... they are not but the mfrs will give you allsorts of shoite for their elite cartridges... except that is, a proven test.

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Just because an idea is not totally new (what is ?) it doesn't mean that it doesn't work, I have only ever had a couple of shots with a JJ reverse taper thing but in principal what he's trying to do is what hundreds of shooters tend to do anyway which is to have a highish rib sight picture. I have set my gun up this way for 15-16 years now and it took me years to realise the much touted standard advice of "see little if any rib" is flawed if not downright wrong. 

If his set up allows the clay and surrounds to be more easily visible during the pick up and trigger pull stage then there can't be that much wrong with it. 

For what little I know....and most of that is sh1te anyways......the truth is that it is what works best for the individual.  I bought into the idea of what John Jeffries was selling.  I read the magazines like most of us and thought that sounded like a good idea.  New or old doesn't matter.....after goes round in circles right!

After meeting J.J. for the first time, I realised he is a really genuine bloke not out to sell me a latest fashion Browning or Beretta that falls to bits.  He believes in his concept (new or old).  I tried a gun.....liked it.  I've had a perazzi before and loved the feel of it......couldn't hit a barn door with it.  

J.J. sorted me out, I bought it, fitted like a glove and my scores improved.  So then....does it work?  It does for me, and I would suggest that a good gun fit is of paramount importance as your eye is the 'Rear sight'.  Is it for everyone?  I doubt it as one mans meat is another mans poison.  Good shots can adapt to a gun (they are usually sponsored to shoot a makers gun).....but for us mere mortals a good gun with an adjustable comb thats at least a start.  I was in a position to buy a custom fit gun, and I can say that J.J. is a genuine bloke and spends the time to make sure his solution works for you.

It does for me!

For what little I know....and most of that is sh1te anyways......the truth is that it is what works best for the individual.  I bought into the idea of what John Jeffries was selling.  I read the magazines like most of us and thought that sounded like a good idea.  New or old doesn't matter.....after goes round in circles right!

After meeting J.J. for the first time, I realised he is a really genuine bloke not out to sell me a latest fashion Browning or Beretta that falls to bits.  He believes in his concept (new or old).  I tried a gun.....liked it.  I've had a perazzi before and loved the feel of it......couldn't hit a barn door with it.  

J.J. sorted me out, I bought it, fitted like a glove and my scores improved.  So then....does it work?  It does for me, and I would suggest that a good gun fit is of paramount importance as your eye is the 'Rear sight'.  Is it for everyone?  I doubt it as one mans meat is another mans poison.  Good shots can adapt to a gun (they are usually sponsored to shoot a makers gun).....but for us mere mortals a good gun with an adjustable comb thats at least a start.  I was in a position to buy a custom fit gun, and I can say that J.J. is a genuine bloke and spends the time to make sure his solution works for you.

It does for me!
I laughed at the gun but shot it anyway,  was very impressed with the concept at the time,hope to do so again 


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