Gil & Vicki

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Hi Bill

I did not put a label on the problem just that I had trouble shooting with both eyes open.

I could see 2 barrels, you mention focusing on the target and the barrel .My understanding is the eyes cannot hard focus on a distance object and a near object at the same time . I find if i hard focus on the target so the barrel is in my peripheral vision the problem goes away. The challenge for me is doing this consistantly, every know and again my eyes will go to the barrel and when they do I miss

The best person to ask to better understand is Gil, I am sure he could help you.


I'm not sure what your motivation is for coming on here and trying to stir up trouble for something that doesn't concern you. 

We get it, you don't agree with their methods.   We've all been there.  

I don't like clowns, so I stay away from circuses.  

I suggest you reveal your agenda behind this - or give it a rest - if they stung you out of hard earned money, then go after them - but not on here. 

Tell us your cause, and we might join your crusade - until then,  it feels like you are trying to talk everyone else out of something that makes them happier with their shooting. 

Gadged, thank you for clarifying your problem. Seeing two barrels is a natural phenomenon called " Natural diplopia".

I am glad that you want to shoot using your both eyes b/c that's the best.

Good luck!

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There are not 2 more accomplished shotgun coaches on a global basis than Gil & Vicki...nobody teaches more to all shooters.  They have and will continue to do a lot to help this fine game as it truely is their life's work and are to be commended.

Having said that slamming them here is crass and tasteless and really has no place here no matter.  I would hope the moderators nip a few of these honyaks in the bud before they do what only they do best and nothing more...ruin things.

There are not 2 more accomplished shotgun coaches on a global basis than Gil & Vicki...nobody teaches more to all shooters. They have and will continue to do a lot to help this fine game as it truely is their life's work and are to be commended.

Having said that slamming them here is crass and tasteless and really has no place here no matter. I would hope the moderators nip a few of these honyaks in the bud before they do what only they do best and nothing more...ruin things.

And we will continue to share all we learn with all of you with out those of you who shot with us and posted thank you and to the rest we have helped don't bother posting here because unfortunately the originator of this post does not want to be confused with the facts because his mind is made up.....after reading the few posts here and on other threads I'm beginning to notice a commonality in his logic....his comprehension is surpassed by only his ability to use the written word......because he leaves out every 4th or 5th word it is no wonder his logic makes sense only to himself.....

thanks to Nicola for our day together in London on our past visit.....and your well wishes for our new year....hope to see you soon and on our next visit hope we can shoot together.....sorry we have bee out of touch but trying to complete two more books and just about when we think we have them ready we discover some new things that improve our ability to communicate in new and better ways what is really perceived when you shooting a moving target.....BTW.....working with The Field on an article on SLOWING THEM looking for that!!!!!!!!!!! 

Happy new year to all and hope to contribute on a more frequent basis.......thanks to the moderator also.....what a class act.....

Gil Ash

Longmynd said regarding the method:

"There is no ‘pointing eye’ – both are equally focused on the clay – and the gun isn’t therefore lined up with either eye".

How the gun-target relationship( sight picture) is established?

My question here is, do we have a Brit coach on this forum that can "translate" this method, How much sense makes on getting control over the target and  consistency!

Thank you!

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You originally asked “who attended their clinic and what you have learn from it.” You have several replies but unfortunately for you none that you are happy with.  

Those that went enjoyed it and those who are sceptical didn’t go in the first place so cannot comment on it.

You will continue to ignore the positive posts until someone posts a negative post you like.

As has been said we get that you don’t agree with their methods, but the only person who can defend the methods is Gil.

Maybe if you would post how you would help longmynd and Gadget Grandad rather than try and destroy the help they have being given so far people would be more receptive to you.

They seem to think it has worked for them, who are you and I to disagree unless we see them shoot? 

Timps you are right,

"You originally asked “who attended their clinic and what you have learn from it"

If longmynd have described Gil's method , being on a forum, can I ask other questions regarding the method and maybe get others opinion on that?

Let me know if is offensive!

Gil, just sign up here, so maybe he can explain to us the method!

What is wrong with that?

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Timps you are right,
"You originally asked “who attended their clinic and what you have learn from it"
If longmynd have described Gil's method , being on a forum, can I ask other questions regarding the method and maybe get others opinion on that?
Let me know if is offensive!
Gil, just sign up here, so maybe he can explain to us the method!
What is wrong with that?

I don't get offended with stuff written on internet forums, if I thought you were genuinely asking for unbiased opinions and would take on board the different opinions of those that post & I would have kept quiet.

You are also not asking longmynd your asking other coaches to give a critique on what he said not on what Gil says. If longmynd was claiming he was a coach and that this was his method then you would be quite right to question him.

He is not the coach though, if Gil wants to enter into a debate about his coaching with you he will, if he doesn't then that is also his prerogative.

I take it you are still not going to offer any advice to the shooters as to what they should be doing instead of what Gil suggests if it is so wrong?

I for one would applaud you if you did that, forget about criticising Gil and help the shooters become better shots.

You might be surprised, I might even agree with your methods.

timps, you will have to wait a very very long time !

Maybe until Hell freezes over!

Well, Sal, is one of my " victims" , what to say? :nyam:

Timps, lets wait to see if Gil has something to say about that method,first!.

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What discipline do you shoot, and what classification are you??
Sorry for the delay in replying Macc - I must have nodded off!

I'm a sporting clay shooter, but because I'm still training with the method I haven't yet got a sporting classification in the Veteran class, but hope to enter some registered shoots this year (plucking up the courage to enter!). Let me know if you'd like any more details about this method. If it suits you, you'll find it's really simple  and, to me, makes complete sense, but ... you do need to train your mind to make it all subconscious when you shoot.

If you are waiting for another professional coach to come on here and try and dig out or have a pop at another professional coach you could be waiting a long time pal.

Do what I do, focus on your work, let the others focus on theirs. If you get it right you won't have time to worry about other coaches or ponce round trying to get a rise on a forum :)

Bon fromage

If you are waiting for another professional coach to come on here and try and dig out or have a pop at another professional coach you could be waiting a long time pal.

Do what I do, focus on your work, let the others focus on theirs. If you get it right you won't have time to worry about other coaches or ponce round trying to get a rise on a forum :)

Bon fromage
+1 Ed

(From another coach)


I'm not interested in whether it's right or wrong, but I am interested in exactly what the method is? The bits I've seen and read don't seam too radical, just the way Gil talks about this stuff is a bit different to what us Brits are used to.
