Game shooting targeted

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2015
It appears Mr Packham and friends are now taking Defra to court over the release of the 50 million 'non native' game birds. There angle of attack is the fact that no study has been done to show the impact on the environment that they have. Makes you spit feathers eh!!!

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It appears Mr Packham and friends are now taking Defra to court over the release of the 50 million 'non native' game birds. There angle of attack is the fact that no study has been done to show the impact on the environment that they have. Makes you spit feathers eh!!!
Aye, it would appear that the GL fiasco was merely testing the water for a bigger agenda, that's how i see it anyway. I have suspected this for some time and i believe the big bag days are the main problem for us all. 

I’m not so sure it’s an issue with “ big bags “. If big bags ( which aren’t my idea of shooting) go , it will be the next thing , until they end up challenging fishing for tiddlers on the canal. 

I think It’s purely an ideological issue . Activism is now trendy.  Avery , Packham ,et al , have a ready audience who eschew the idea that sporting birds are bred for a purpose  , whilst conveniently forgetting that their pancetta was packed in a gondola and asphyxiated with CO2! prior  to slaughter  !

Although this may be a generalisation, this is a left wing agenda and as such you will see it getting sympathetic treatment from the BBC , I’ve a fiver says Packham will get airtime giving his point of view on a Sunday evening soon . 

BASC are already on the case for us . It may seem to people who are solely clay shooters that this is not relevant to them , but tucked away in this,  is the old chestnut of “ Lead Shot “ , and it’s effect on farmland and the environment. 

Hopefully this challenge will be met robustly, and the instigators put back into their box , but they seem to have found a methodology, and the use of crowd funding allows them to pursue it at no risk to themselves as they operate via a limited company . 

Any game shooter who isn’t a member of one of the organisations that represent us should join now . 

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I received this email from BASC last week so they are aware of it and are prepared to fight it robustly


BASC Head Office, Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HL
General enquiries form | 01244 573 000


BASC ready to fight legal challenge
to rearing and releasing gamebirds


This morning (18 July) Wild Justice, the crowd-funded extremist anti-shooting campaign, announced that it was writing to Defra to challenge the release of pheasants and partridges on the grounds that these conflicted with the requirements of the Habitats Directive. BASC believes that the Wild Justice case is weak, misinterprets European law and ignores the benefits of shooting to the environment.

We have instructed lawyers that, if any legal action results, BASC should be registered as an 'interested party' to oppose the claim. We have also briefed supportive MPs and Peers, who have spoken to the government and have received assurances that any legal challenge will be "robustly defended".

In a statement issued to the press, Caroline Bedell, BASC’s executive director of conservation, said: “This is another extremist attack on shooting by those associated with the League Against Cruel Sports that ignores the well-documented evidence of the benefits of shooting to conservation and the wider environment.

The Code of Good Shooting Practice, which sets out the framework for sustainable shooting, includes reference to Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust research which sets out figures for sustainable game bird releasing that do not damage the environment.

“Studies show that well-managed shooting is of benefit to the environment and conservation organisations and the government has acknowledged the benefit of shooting to the environment. For example, shoots maintain 25,000 hectares of cover crops which provide important sources of food and shelter for songbirds, particularly during the winter, and shoots actively manage 500,000 hectares of woodland and 100,000 hectares of copses for the benefit of the environment.

"Shooting influences 14 million hectares of rural land management and almost two million hectares are actively managed for conservation. It is estimated that shooting provides for 3.9 million work days being spent on conservation each year, which is the equivalent of 16,000 full-time conservation jobs.

“Without driven shooting the rural environment, and our economy, would be significantly poorer.”



© 2019 BASC - British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Registered Office: Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham, LL12 0HL
Registered Society No: 28488R


The Daily Mail , (newspaper of choice for my Brexiteer Mrs 🤣 and any Waffen SS still in hiding ) had a piece in it today about Rachel Carrie , and how she prefers “ Field to Fork “ to feed her family . On the whole it was very positive , a lot of column space and nice colour photos .  If it gets a few more people to understand that all shooters aren’t crusty old Colonels and the BoP slaughterers that Wild Justice project it can only be a good thing . We need positive publicity like that whenever we can get it . Shame it wasn’t in the Guardian though . 
