ESK Reg'd at Dartford, 31st March

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Well Woo_P and I ventured down to Dartford for the Saturday registered skeet.

Nice run down from here, 55 mins each way as the M25 was playing nicely due to it being a Saturday.

We got down there, had a breakfast, brew and a chat with friends then ventured down and booked on.

It was cold and windy as it can be at Dartford due to the proximity to the estuary but as normal the birds were on rails when there was no wind (a rare occurrence today)

I shot 21,21,21,19 to finish on 82ex100, far from happy with that but glad to have my timing back on S4 since switching to 2 eyes, 1 eye, picture, bang. If I hadn't missed what I did on H2 and L6 it would have been more like 95\96 but at least I know where to focus developing and refining my new technique :)

Had a fun day anyway but wanted to be 90+

