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  1. Harley

    Long time no see

    Hey all, its been a few years since i've been on here, or actually seen my gun come to think of it, but circumstances allow me to get back into to it again, so now comes a learning curve, finding out what is the best  bang for the Buk with regards to  shells, and if some old friends are still...
  2. Harley

    Down the barrel or look accross the barrel for crossers

    Starting again after a while away, so sorry for the stupid question but I can’t remember if i should be looking down the barrel and seeing the bird, or should i look across the barrel and focus on the bird giving the lead required? up till now im giving lead but always looking down the barrel...
  3. Harley

    Hello All, I'm back..

    It's been a long time since I last shot, and even longer since I've been on here, so I thought it only right I would say hi, and try and remember what way round I hold my Evo. Health issues was the main reason I've been away, but I must be tougher than I thought, as I've pulled through and...
  4. Harley

    There are some nasty lowlifes around...

    This morning i was on my way to work, listening to the radio i was horrified to learn that some low life, had stolen christmas pressents for the children at Great Ormond Street hospital. This choked me right up i can tell ya, these kids look forward to this day so very much, its one day they...
  5. Harley

    Do you feel lucky today?

    Well this happened today in the cold, wet, icy roads, this young lad was trapped and had to kick the windscreen out to get out, he wasn't sure how many times it rolled after it smashed into the Armco barrier. The permutations are endless how he miraculously survived without a scrape. Without...
  6. Harley

    Picture of the week

    Well some of you may realise im a Harley rider and shooter and i found this cracking picture that is very apt.. :D its not a Harley but funny all the same.. :D ;)
  7. Harley

    Skeet- the ideal cartridge please

    I'm going to concentrate on Skeet for a while, to help build a foundation for improvement, I have also found out I have a nasty disc in my neck causing me grief , so I want to reduce the load to 24 or even 21g. Should I concentrate on 24g 8's or 9's for Skeet or can I go 21g? Your...
  8. Harley

    Using a strap on

    To be honest I haven't shot more than once in 3weeks (not my choice) and for me it's really frustrating ;) I had a 2 hour lesson (Ed) and not been able to put what I've been told to good use, so ... Has anyone tried recording your shoot to play back and digest your mistakes when back at...
  9. Harley

    Ed Solomons

    Today I had a a couple of hours with Ed at sporting targets, I am now the proud owner of a Solomons 686 special. The first thing was gun hold, followed by a good chat about preparation before you shoot each target, Ed has a very good way of coming across and making you feel relaxed and at ease...
  10. Harley

    The Engravers Cafe

    I was just waisting some time tonight, and I come across this web site. If you get a chance sign up, and take a look at the gun section in Engraving, most is done old school, and in particular there is a guy on there who has taken the hobby up as a past time, he is the son of a very famous...
  11. Harley

    Gun hold and stance

    My basic position seems to be leaning slightly forward with weight on front foot , lm learning to bring gun up to my cheek once ive seen the bird, my head barely moves to meet the gun, my left hand is mid way down the forend. But I've noticed some experienced shooters lean right in, with head...
  12. Harley

    Hobby or Obsession

    I primarily shoot to vent off, relax and have some “me time” after a stressful time during the week at work. See for me shooting is a Hobby and only ever will be. A few years back i got obsessed with spring gun shooting and wanted the UK title so bad i could taste it, but on reflection having...
  13. Harley

    Sporting Targets with Ed

    Well today was the day we finally met, 100 birds, but not the easiest to start with but that said I wasn't too worried about missing them 120ft high midi's. Ed went first on every stand, then clearly went through what's what, and to be honest I was very Relax with his whole attitude, I listened...
  14. Harley

    Your weird superstitions-Do they really work?

    I have seen a guy touch there foot before each stand, one guy has to orientate his shells, pmsl I personally don't believe in it, yet.. But I'm equally very interested to see what your confessions are with pre shoot superstitions
  15. Harley

    New Browning B725 Sporter or the older version?

    I'm in two minds, as I fancy a Browning in my collection. Through your personal experience can you guide me on what you feel is the better gun, now I like the chunkier gun and every time I hold one, it seems to come up so much better than my Evo.
  16. Harley

    How flat is a 28g 7.5 cartridge

    I would like to know, can someone tell me generally, what the trajectory is like for a similar cartridge to the above please.
  17. Harley

    12g Shotgun advice for wifey please

    Today, likkle wifey came with me shooting for the first time, and she had a go of mine, she fancies having a pop now and again. as i have no idea, can someone give me some pointers on a nice 12g U/O shotgun, short barrels max 28, as the wife struggles to hold it, so it need to be light...
  18. Harley

    Today's shoot part 3

    Today I shoot a 60 bird, and fell back into this confusion zone again, only hit a third of the targets . One of the tutors here, i presume must of felt a little sorry for me, he grabbed me and took a few mins to explain a few things afterwards. First he tore a hole in the centre of a piece of...
  19. Harley

    Redneck Skeet

    It made me laff... Ark-Can-Saw ;-)
  20. Harley

    To Pass on, Clay coach 1 & 2 DVD

    With Rod Brammer and Chris Cradock. Bought last week watched about half of it then back in its box's Pm addy for me to send on.