Windows 8?

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
It is supposed to be both a touch tablet operating system as well as a PC operating platform. Looks good so far! I was at the 2007 premier of Vista in Nashua N.H. USA. I was beta for Office 2007 and even 2010. I got a free Office Pro for attending the premier. They showed us in Feb 2007 what Apple does now in the I-book. They showed us there what you see now on CSI shows: the flat screen that you move things around. It is too bad that Microsoft did not market that. Rumour has it that Bill G had a soft spot for Allen and wanted him to make good with Apple. Which he has now done. So now, Microsoft will release the wizz bang stuff that we previewed. Maybe Windows 8 is just the start? The Lone Canadian,Henry/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

From what I have seen of 8 it looks pretty damn good, I have been reading the blog posts from the 8 engineering team and looks like there will be a lot of new features and the support for ARM processors should really see battery life improve.Any idea what the alpha, beta and RTM dates are?Cheers,Jon.

I know vaguely, but nothing I am going to write down on a website I own...

My youngest brother (a geek techy) has just been given a developer's version of W8. He's excited but I'd rather stick cocktail sticks in my eyes! Each to their own!
