What is your Clay Shooting highlight of 2013?

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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011

It's the last day of the year - and time to reflect on a years shooting.  Some of our members have made teams, placed in championships, scored a PB and taken their first steps in Clay Shooting. 

In January, I'll be running a competition to find the best goals & aims for the year - but for now, I'd like to know...

What is your Clay Shooting highlight of 2013?

(small prize in the post for my favourite answer here...)

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Getting my name read out in the team list for N.Ireland after the results of the Scottish championship, looked over to my 9yo son who gave a massive smile and an excited thumbs up...

All of it.  My first full year of shooting (only got my gun in late December 2012).  It's been brilliant fun.  I've really enjoyed learning to read the various different sporting targets and working out how to approach them. 

Moving up to 'B' in English Sporting. I also took up skeet again in September and set myself a target of shooting a 90 by Christmas. I have shot 1x90 and 2x92 so well pleased.

All of it.  My first full year of shooting (only got my gun in late December 2012).  It's been brilliant fun.  I've really enjoyed learning to read the various different sporting targets and working out how to approach them. 
Having seen you shoot I think that you have made brilliant progress during your first year. As I said to you ,before I realised that you are in Sussex, you should enter the selection shoots for the Kent team.

Easter Challenge at Sporting Targets. Bit of a last Hurrah before my shooting went wobbly in the summer as I adjusted to wearing prescription glasses.

It was a clear win in A class, but what the heck was I doing up there with those names around me?




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Watching Amber Hill win the junior Sports Personality of The Year Award and thinking that is fantastic and a massive leap forward towards media acceptance of our sport.

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Making the silver finals of the White Gold Challenge.

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Shooting the British Open Sporting at Hepworth Hall, my first biggie.  I shot badly but was on the same course as GD, RF etc. That would so not happen in Golf especially when GD stopped, shook our hands and wished us good luck for no apparent reason. Cracking day.

A light bulb moment in August, after a long and tough year caused by excessive hours on a clients project, I took a month off, lots of time with the family and some focus on my shooting.

The Result was a simple routine change developed with my Coach J Barnett at Mickley Hall SG, The results gave me a PB 88 in a Reg shoot, further PB 89 in an Open, a 91 a the Fauxdegla World All round and a B class trophy my first, some A class wins and I won the Summer series final at MH with a shotgun as the prize. All in all a 1 hour lesson caused a step change in my shooting. More work pressures has further blurred the lines but holding on to a good average over 80 since that lesson.

Bring on 2014!

Happy New Year to you all!

Easter Challenge at Sporting Targets. Bit of a last Hurrah before my shooting went wobbly in the summer as I adjusted to wearing prescription glasses.

It was a clear win in A class, but what the heck was I doing up there with those names around me?
Good Shooting! Just goes to show what a great sport clay shooting is. On the right day anything is possible, how many other sports provide the opportunity to compete against the best? With most it's difficult enough to even be a spectator.

Have you got used to your prescription glasses yet?

Good Shooting! Just goes to show what a great sport clay shooting is. On the right day anything is possible, how many other sports provide the opportunity to compete against the best? With most it's difficult enough to even be a spectator.

Have you got used to your prescription glasses yet?
Yes I have thanks. Unfortunately I don't have that as an excuse anymore.. :)

Taking My first registered High Gun this year, closely followed by semi-final place in the White Gold Challenge have to be the highlights of 2013! Cant wait to get cracking with 2014 :nyam:

Simple one to answer,

Enjoying everyday that I go out regardless of where, what weather or how well I shoot, the feeling of opening the cabinet door and looking at her belly and thinking ''hello baby'' the biggest achievment is enjoying shooting!

For me it's got to be finding Shootclay....I enjoyed my shooting before but being overly competitive it was not easy to improve staying on the Isle of Wight but I have now got so many shooting friends I reckon I could pitch up anywhere and find someone I knew to shoot with. So many people on here have been generous with advice, encouragement, support and most of all friendship and it has made my enjoyment of the sport all the better. I love going to grounds and bumping into so many people I know and catching up with them. Thanks everyone...you know who you are...and the rest of you I will be tracking you down next year...

Roll on 2014...I am sure it is going to be great...Jkc x

My shooting has taken a bit of a back seat this year mainly due to health and setting up the coaching job.

Still managed GB and England places and a few podiums at big stuff but not setting the world on fire.

What HAS been great is seeing customers doing well in getting England team spots, podiums in majors, great shoot off results etc. wouldn't change any of it for the world and starting to get really keen to focus on MY shooting too, so watch out 2014!

Making the top twenty averages and winning my County Sporting Championship, have learned a lot this year and am really looking forward to 2014...

Started off with some good scores then had to ride a poor spell which I put down to old age as it took longer to break out from, but my moment of 2013 was seeing GD straight two registered shoots one after the other, that sort of surreal event puts everything else into perspective. 

2013 has been a great year for the sport. Fantastic to see Peter Wilson, George Digweed, Amber Hill and Ian Coley reach mainstream media with their achievements. They have built a good platform to continue to grow participation and engagement.

There has also been a growing pool of UK talent winning big competitions, with every event now being a really open contest. 

Grass roots looks positive in many places, with new people coming to the sport, but perhaps more to do there...

On a more parochial level, we've spent a fortune building something we're really pleased with, which should help all shooters! We have also had the pleasure of filming some of the best shooters and coaches, which has been a delight. There is SO much more to come in 2014!

Safe shooting and a Happy New Year!
