Police woman shot in Leeds

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2011
Sadly another unarmed officer has been sent to an incident ('low priority') and gets shot by a yob wielding a sawn off shotgun.

Now we are all branded as similar to these idiots.

Let's get one thing straight. 

If he is in possession of a sawn off shotgun he is a criminal.

If he shot at the girl he intended to kill her.

He is now in custody and should be put to sleep.Like we would have done with a rabid dog.

How long are we going to put up with these crippling court cases such as we now doing over  the death of Lee Rigby 

those two have had the audacity to plead not guilty. It really beggars belief.

Sorry for the rant but I cannot believe that a referendum on the Death Penalty would not bring back hanging.

Sadly another unarmed officer has been sent to an incident ('low priority') and gets shot by a yob wielding a sawn off shotgun.

Now we are all branded as similar to these idiots.

Let's get one thing straight.

If he is in possession of a sawn off shotgun he is a criminal.

If he shot at the girl he intended to kill her.

He is now in custody and should be put to sleep.Like we would have done with a rabid dog.

How long are we going to put up with these crippling court cases such as we now doing over the death of Lee Rigby

those two have had the audacity to plead not guilty. It really beggars belief.

Sorry for the rant but I cannot believe that a referendum on the Death Penalty would not bring back hanging.
agree 100%
the only good thing about those 2 on trial for Lee Rigby's murder is that as a result of their 'not guilty' plea, they will get a longer sentence when they are convicted.

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They get a longer sentence, which costs the tax payer hundreds of thousands more!

I'm with Sloppy, put the bastards to sleep!

I am reliably informed that various Governments have carried out opinion polls on bringing back the death penalty but it is overwhelmingly rejected.

They get a longer sentence, which costs the tax payer hundreds of thousands more!

I'm with Sloppy, put the bastards to sleep!
unfortunately, it will never happen. However, 10% of the prison population are ex forces and I think there might be a bit payback once they are banged up....

another sad part to this story is that the public when they listen to the reports or read the newspaper account of the incident will not hear or see the words sawn off and will only hear shotgun.as with all these incidents the legal shooters will be tarred with the same brush as yet another criminal.

Putting them to sleep is too good for them but execution will never come back as the politicians will never allow it. Us Brits are being made to set an example to the rest of the world that executions are barbaric and mistakes can be made.

It's like the EU, given a referendum, I would expect that Joe Public would vote to leave but again the politicians don't think we're right.

Best thing is to send armed officers to such incidents as Lee Rigby, but don't shoot to wound so that they can be sent to prison later on, shoot to kill and save us all some  bloody time and money.

Robert although nothing to do with shooting or the thread leaving the EU would be a very grave mistake for the people of the UK. The EU debate is mainly populated by racist  xenophobic fantasists who still think that the UK (or in their minds Great Britain!) is still a great industrial nation with an empire to plunder...wrong!

Again nothing to do with the thread or EU for that matter but a indication of how far the UK has slipped would be gauged by this thought on the eve of the centenary of the Great War how many men from the former empire nations do you think this county would we have volunteering to fight for King and country if the same were to happen in 2014... not too many is my guess.

Best thing is to send armed officers to such incidents as Lee Rigby, but don't shoot to wound so that they can be sent to prison later on, shoot to kill and save us all some  bloody time and money.
That's exactly what they wanted.  For religious extremists becoming a martyr is the goal.  It allows them to be used as an example by those that encourage fundamentalism. The best approach would be a blanket media ban on the trial so what they've done isn't glorified and then chuck them into solitary confinement for the rest of their lives so that they world forgets about them.

As for return of the death penalty, whilst in some circumstances it might seem appropriate its the thin end of the wedge.  There are too many mistakes made and too many corrupt people in positions of power.  Can't correct a miscarriage of justice if the victim of it is dead and buried.

Sadly another unarmed officer has been sent to an incident ('low priority') and gets shot by a yob wielding a sawn off shotgun.

Now we are all branded as similar to these idiots.

Let's get one thing straight. 

If he is in possession of a sawn off shotgun he is a criminal.

If he shot at the girl he intended to kill her.

He is now in custody and should be put to sleep.Like we would have done with a rabid dog.

How long are we going to put up with these crippling court cases such as we now doing over  the death of Lee Rigby 

those two have had the audacity to plead not guilty. It really beggars belief.

Sorry for the rant but I cannot believe that a referendum on the Death Penalty would not bring back hanging.
If memory serves, and unless they've changed it, you get five years at Her Majesty's Pleasure just for being found in possession of a sawn-off shotgun, whether it's in your hands or not, as the only reason to saw off the ends is to create wider damage at closer range.

I have no doubt that this clown will have plenty of time to acquaint himself with the taste of porridge.


That is one of my gripes, free Porridge.

They don't have to worry about the cost of heating in winter, cost of a pint of milk , oats etc., it is all provided FOC by you and me and other law abiding tax payers.

All these types have committed crimes with total disregard to others .

If we cannot have the death penalty back, how about 'hard labour' ?

Quarrying stone to repair our worn out roads, litter picking to tidy up our beautiful countryside, digging out and restoring our canal system.

Rather than playing Pool and getting high on illegal drugs smuggled into prisons.

How can we have double standards such as giving vermin a comfortable life locked up for murdering and attempting murder.

Then to cap it all we sentence one of our own serving soldiers to potential life imprisonment for 'cruelly' killing a member of the Taloban !

That soldier, we paid to train him to kill and sent him into a hostile environment, which we all actually regret ever getting involved in and cannot wait to pull out of. 

To be fair Salopian individual soldiers just can't take that line, much as I sympathise with their lot. There are terms of engagement and the must be adhered to if we don't then we sink to their level. Two wrongs etc I see where you are coming from but there must be a definite line to which our soldiers must toe.


That is one of my gripes, free Porridge.

They don't have to worry about the cost of heating in winter, cost of a pint of milk , oats etc., it is all provided FOC by you and me and other law abiding tax payers.

All these types have committed crimes with total disregard to others .

If we cannot have the death penalty back, how about 'hard labour' ?

Quarrying stone to repair our worn out roads, litter picking to tidy up our beautiful countryside, digging out and restoring our canal system.

Rather than playing Pool and getting high on illegal drugs smuggled into prisons.

How can we have double standards such as giving vermin a comfortable life locked up for murdering and attempting murder.

Then to cap it all we sentence one of our own serving soldiers to potential life imprisonment for 'cruelly' killing a member of the Taloban !

That soldier, we paid to train him to kill and sent him into a hostile environment, which we all actually regret ever getting involved in and cannot wait to pull out of.
spot on mucca!!!!
That's exactly what they wanted. For religious extremists becoming a martyr is the goal. It allows them to be used as an example by those that encourage fundamentalism. The best approach would be a blanket media ban on the trial so what they've done isn't glorified and then chuck them into solitary confinement for the rest of their lives so that they world forgets about them.

As for return of the death penalty, whilst in some circumstances it might seem appropriate its the thin end of the wedge. There are too many mistakes made and too many corrupt people in positions of power. Can't correct a miscarriage of justice if the victim of it is dead and buried.
that is old hat!!! These days with forensics etc!!!! We need a deterent, and with nothing in place, people take more chances.

That is one of my gripes, free Porridge.

They don't have to worry about the cost of heating in winter, cost of a pint of milk , oats etc., it is all provided FOC by you and me and other law abiding tax payers.

All these types have committed crimes with total disregard to others .

If we cannot have the death penalty back, how about 'hard labour' ?

Quarrying stone to repair our worn out roads, litter picking to tidy up our beautiful countryside, digging out and restoring our canal system.

Rather than playing Pool and getting high on illegal drugs smuggled into prisons.

How can we have double standards such as giving vermin a comfortable life locked up for murdering and attempting murder.

Then to cap it all we sentence one of our own serving soldiers to potential life imprisonment for 'cruelly' killing a member of the Taloban !

That soldier, we paid to train him to kill and sent him into a hostile environment, which we all actually regret ever getting involved in and cannot wait to pull out of. 
To be fair Pete, the people you're describing [i.e. the ones who take up or possess a sawn-off, whether they intend to use it or not] are, invariably, not the sharpest tools in the box and, as you quite rightly state, are, by default, criminals just for being in possession of one. That said, these clowns have always been with us since chemical elements transmogrified into the protozoa that then evolved and crawled from the primordial soup. So why should our times be any different?

And if we're taking another view on it, both Sweden and the Netherlands - traditionally two nations whose penal systems are routinely criticised for being too 'Hilton' in their amenities - have recently closed a bunch of prisons (Sweden 4 and the Cloggies 2, if memory serves) due to the way their systems works with offenders not to re-offend. Re-offending rates have dropped so sharply that they're having to close prisons. Imagine that.

As for the Marine who was sentenced, today, to 10 years in a civvie nick (and not the glass house in Colchester) for murdering an enemy combatant - alas, the poor Bootneck had a previously blemishless record - but was guilty in the first degree of breaking the 11th commandment: 'thou shalt not get caught' - albeit not his fault, as it was his fellow Bootie who was breaking operational procedure/orders not to go out on patrol wearing a helmet cam. The footage was found two years later by accident. The rest we know about.

I do agree that he, the Marine, would have jeopardised the lives of a casevac helicopter crew were he to have called one in - and by all counts, the Taliban in question had been hit by a number of 30-mil cannon rounds from an Apache (resulting in there not being much left of him and the Marine arguably having done him a favour by 'putting him out of his misery'); but, we can only deal with the evidence before us, and once that footage was found, the RMPs were duty-bound to prosecute; regardless of how "unfair" any of us might consider that decision to be.

As for hard labour - never gonna happen as long as we're part of, and adhere to, the articles of the ECHR (ironically largely written by an English barrister, Lord Shawcross - who was Britain's chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials). Added to which, I've seen no evidence to suggest that even after having served penal servitude, that they'd not re-offend once they were released.

Lastly, capital punishment has proven, over several centuries, not to be a deterrent: the proof's in the evidence - if it were, then people wouldn't murder other people any more, would they? And yet they continue to do so, especially in those countries where capital punishment is still on the statute books.

You won't get any argument from me on the fact that we should never have got involved in either of the campaigns in Iraq or Afghanistan. Fools' errands, both.

To be fair Salopian individual soldiers just can't take that line, much as I sympathise with their lot. There are terms of engagement and the must be adhered to if we don't then we sink to their level. Two wrongs etc I see where you are coming from but there must be a definite line to which our soldiers must toe.
This ^^^^
