New classifications (from 1.12.13)

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Obviously not an issue in Scotland then? No need for a chill pill for me, just think rolling averages make it fairer for everyone and is very easy to implement, especially as we have electricity and everything down here xD

10% doesn't really do a lot, other way could be to mirror what the yanks do and have 7 classes, might make it better for newbies to the sport as well.

Agree with darkside the 6 month system does seem to work quite well and much better than the yearly one we used to have (and with no 10% rule)

People, don't be afraid of change, it will be alright I promise!! What is so wrong with rolling averages and classes? All the work will be done by a computer so hardly taxing for anyone, and 99% of people seem to have grasped how to use the interweb, even from their phones!!

Yes but as darkside says peoples form can be up and down so you would not know if you were coming or going.

yes and evens itself out much quicker then the current system, if you put in a few very good scores and end up in AA when your true class is A, then you suffer for 6 months, which can demoralise the shooter, if it was a rolling system you would be in the right class more often and therefore it would be a level playing field, unless you are in Scotland, where its all hills...

I see your point but with respect I am not convinced, maybe quarterly would work ?

Well about 8 years ago the CPSA were heading towards quarterly averages and yes that would be better then the current system.

Agreed then quarterly it is. Go and tell em that's what we have decided :)

Classification system for some of the disciplines is flawed IMO. The CPSA should implement monthly rolling averages and classifications for at least Sporting, FITASC and Sportrap, this would help to eliminate people being put in to low classes when their ability is way above that class average so therefore would help to reduce sand bagging. It would also compensate for dips in form or where shooters have shot in bad weather of exceptionally difficult sporting courses.

Don't think I will be changing any of mine classes, except Sportrap, so AA Sporting, AA Sportrap, A Compak and I think B FITASC, was hoping to have got in to A class but had a few issues the last couple of months!!
Did you suggest it at the recent CPSA EGM or the last AGM ?

Hey guys, play nice. FYI - there are shoots open on a Friday - maybe you should get out and hit a few and not worry so much about your averages! 

The classifications now being calculated (or will be once all the scores are in!) will be based on scores from 1st Nov 2012 to 31st Oct 2013.  Parameters will then change (although not usually by much).  The next classification, valid from 1st June 2014,  will be for scores achieved between 1st May 2013 and 30th April 2014 (sorry Tiptopgun, just needed to correct you) :) 
Sorry meant the end of April for the 1st June i stand corrected.

Matt the trouble with a monthly rolling average would be to the benifit of the Mr Sandman.

4/5 bad scores at birds only just before a major,or big prize competition and bingo down a class just in time.

Matt the trouble with a monthly rolling average would be to the benifit of the Mr Sandman.

4/5 bad scores at birds only just before a major,or big prize competition and bingo down a class just in time.
this could be true but if you then had a good score in a major it would effect the next rolling month, so the benefit of sand bagging is limited, if done correctly. I do know the idea of weekly rolling classes was muted by some overseas associations, would be interesting

Scores for this classification are now closed 31st October, to start the1st December.

Your classification for the next period is already six months old as it started 1st of May this year and will end 1st April next year,to start 1st of June.

It is worked on a rolling 12 months,every 6 months.confused yet. :fie:

So the scores that you have put in before the 1st of May this year will drop off in the next list of classificaton scores.
Tiptop Gun, a man who knows the system and is always on hand when I need clarification.

the Oracle!

As has been outlined elsewhere on this forum, NSSA Skeet uses a system where your classification is constantly adjusted for each shoot, based upon an average of your last five scores. I agree that somebody could put in five bad scores in advance of a major, but you'd have to be pretty bloody desperate to waste approx £200 in entry fees just to try and drop a class. NSSA also only allow you to drop one class annually.

Seems to have worked pretty well over the years. I am no longer a NSSA Member, but I always thought it was a very fair system and did more closely represent the current ability of the shooter. Don't see why it could't work in other disciplines

Lots of fixation with class so here is a question for you to ponder.

Would you rather

A. not have to worry about class and just shoot the best you can on the day.

B, be top of a lower class with the assumption that you theoretically should win more.

C, be in a top class for the credibility even though you accept you probably won't win as often.

This question is out of interest and not aimed at top class shooters who are able to win in AA or whatever anyway.

Personally I do not worry about classes and am more interested in how I scored as a percentage of the best score of the day.

However, I still think that classes are necessary otherwise struggling shooters like myself, and those just entering the sport, would just be throwing their contribution to the prize pot at the privileged few shooters who tend to dominate the shoots. This would just result in more and more shooters going birds only and simply reducing the pot.

Again, personally not bothered as nobody will ever get rich shooting registered shoots, but I do think it is productive for people to judge their progress in stages rather than constantly being demoralised by losing to those talented few?


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