Lifting the head on driven tower birds

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The main cause of head lifting is indeed a low combe, however the gun can fit perfectly but if you mount low into the shoulder and drop your head onto the stock as many shooters do I guarantee you will often lift your head to see the bird.

Always, always stand up straight and mount into the cheek just before the shoulder, that way the gun will go into the shoulder in the exact same spot every time so not only is your shooting more accurate but it will help to stop you lifting your head.  :thumbsup:

Tried starting with a much higher hold point and both eyes open on the driven tower birds this morning.  7 from 10, so much better than usual.

Was more consciously thinking what I do on other targets and I definitely start with both eyes open and then squint the left eye once I've seen the target and am moving the gun.  Tried a few crossers consciously keeping both eyes open all the way through and didn't like it much.  Couldn't seem to judge the lead in the same way that I can with a squint.

Hitting any driven bird is a confidence shot. You need to have an understanding of what you are trying to do and the confidence to execute it.Head lifting may be the result of the gun getting in the way of you seeing the clay.It is a normal reaction to lift your head to try and see the clay. If you are shooting this as a swing through shot and your confidence in your technique is low you may well lift your head during the shot. I would suggest that if you are a beginner you get a good coach to talk you through what you need to do . If you carry on reguardless you may pick up some bad habits that will get in the way later on.

Am definitely more confident at these, 8 from 10 yesterday morning.  In fact, I had a good morning overall, with my best ever result at West Kent (73 from 100).

You tried super glue...stopped me lifting my head from the stock although it is a bugger to drive a car.

All i can say is look at your hold point, start there are you chasing the clay.....

I used to be stock down for driven, but Mr Solomons threaten to break my legs if i did it again!

You tried super glue...stopped me lifting my head from the stock although it is a bugger to drive a car.

All i can say is look at your hold point, start there are you chasing the clay.....

I used to be stock down for driven, but Mr Solomons threaten to break my legs if i did it again!
Thats good motivation right there!

You tried super glue...stopped me lifting my head from the stock although it is a bugger to drive a car.
No need, all head lifting has stopped.  The two I missed yesterday was purely down to general ineptitude and lack of concentration.  I let 'em get a bit to far overhead before I tried to take them.  The other eight smoked nicely though.

Watch where your fingers are on the fore-end might be that you are blocking some of your vision and simply by moving your fingers round and out of the way on this sort of bird you will be able to get better sight...

Not an expert by any means but something I picked up on my travels....personally I completely close my left eye on any driven as I have got all sorts of funny things going on and struggle with the line otherwise...
