Ladies Champion - Again!

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No Bunny

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2018
Last night was our shooting club's annual St George's Day dinner and awards ceremony.  It's always a great night with lots of eating, drinking, flag-waving, singing and dancing - but it's even better when you become Ladies Champion for the 4th year in a row, and the 7th year in the last 9!  :D   And I was 6th overall in the club, against all the men!  :D   :D

Ladies Champ.jpg

Need to branch out to other shoots now then! 😀
We quite often visit the shoot at Hicknaham Farm in Burnham Beeches, and have been known to travel out to Common Leys Farm near Oxford too.  The problem is finding the time! :)

well done you perhaps the competition is a bit easy you may need to find stiffer competition

but well done  big fish in small pond?

well done you perhaps the competition is a bit easy you may need to find stiffer competition

but well done  big fish in small pond?
I'm not that average is only 62.2%.  It's just that the rest of the ladies are worse than I am!!   :lol:

Although the competition is getting stiffer...the lady that came second was only 2 points behind me!   :eek:

Well done.   it always nice to have to have some  glasswear ..

I trust you filled it with a cheap lager and necked it in one ;)

:santa:   :)

Vodka . blergh   not my cup of tea,

Now Sherry,  i could give you chapter and verse on Sherry . ;)   

But i prefer Bacardi, Baileys, Cider,  and a nice drop of Port  

:santa: x

The fact we're all different is what makes life interesting!   :D

well done you perhaps the competition is a bit easy you may need to find stiffer competition

but well done  big fish in small pond?
I had the same thing a few years ago.  We started shooting many, many years ago and I was a fairly good shot but then moving, literally rebuilding a house etc made us both give up for a few years.  Phil came back into it but I didn’t, then we joined The Star shooting club and I got back into it again  BUT, like you Penny, the competition against the ladies was non existent and I was winning most weeks and I got very complacent and bored if I’m honest,  so last year we decided to come away from there and start going to the harder shoots again.  It’s taken me about a year or so to regain my confidence and I’m steadily getting back to where I was a few years ago and my main ambition this year is to improve again. 

So, I guess what I’m saying is you need to get away from being top lady and be like me at the bottom of the pile for a while.  I get much more satisfaction from shooting a harder shoot (even if my score is down) as I’ve had to work for it.  Not only that, shooting with other shots at all different stages and abilities does you the world of good.

Hope to see you around some time.

Similar for me at a local shoot, where I tend to measure how I've done against the blokes scores rather than the other female shooters.  I want to improve so I've made the effort over the last 6 months or so to travel to shoot Registered competitions at different grounds.  My average is gradually creeping up as a result.

Thanks ladies.  :)

Once a month or so is enough for me at the moment.  I still enjoy it and have a young 20-year old whippersnapper keeping me on my toes.  I think she'll be challenging for Ladies Champion next year.  Currently my shooting is a social activity rather than a serious sport, and I'm happy to have it that way.

Glad you're all out there waving the flag for ladies shooting at the registered comps.  :)  
