I am hooked

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Mark B

Jan 17, 2016
Hi all. 

Just starting out. I had a lesson over Christmas and now I am hooked. 

Just doing some research and I was wondering if any one has views on the Silma M-80 ?



Hello and welcome to shootclay. 

Its a great bug to get bitten by! ;-)

cant comment on the silma, never heard of it! Not sure what you should take from that, maybe someone else might know?

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yes but there only about six hundred quid. I am looking at the 70 for a cheap game gun. I think they look ok

Not seen one either. 

I don't always get the Big  Drop in Value argument and yes,  it might happen on some of the guns from less well know makers so I know where people are coming from..but at £500  to £700  theres not a great lot to lose.. Any well known gun at sub £1000  has usually been shot to within an inch of its life,  or been messed with  and difficult to find in the spec you want.

The RA EOS at £799 look to be amazing value for money. 

good point paul I looked at a 686 game last week lever was well over loose as a loose thing, yes it can be tightened but you don't know what else is worn out. As you say at this money the op ain't gonna lose much and has the benefit of brand new with warranty. I say if its in budget and it fits and you like the look then go for it mark.
