Holiday particular shooting related

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2012
Isle of Wight
It's that time of year when my thoughts turn to holidays, not least because I am going in two weeks!!!

Looks like shooting will be taking a break as the Barbados club is very expensive so I thought I might spend the time lying on the sun bed doing a bit of particular I am quite interested in the more mental side of things at the moment ( a bit like Topdogs 8 into 10's sort of thing)

Wonder if anyone could recommend any good books about the psychology side of things or visualisation or just on shooting in general...

Of course I might just end up lying there drinking cocktails but at least I will have gone with good intentions....and therein lies the road to hell as they say...

Jkc xx

Jen, if you want a good read look at a book called "to the target" it's a bit dry but you might find it useful.

You can borrow mine if you want.


Not sure you have shot at the Barbados club, but if not then I would recommend ticking it off your list . Some nice targets, good hosts, nice clubhouse and decent rental guns. I know it'll cost c £100 but it is worth it, if only to get the weekly shooting fix. As for books I never tire of referring back to Chris Batha's breaking clays. Make sure you try to get down to Oistins for the Friday night food, drink and reggae night. Enjoy the holida.


Renato lamera

a target in the sky

aimed at ot but as its primarily about the mental aspect it is all relevant.

Trap Shooting Secrets by James Russell (why use 100 words when 10,000 words will do!)


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The Chimp Paradox - seriously, some great mental management tips in there.  Written by the guy who coached British Cycling to greatness

Oops. Just checked their website, costs have just gone mental. It's now £200 for 100 birds EEK!!!!! Was 6 yrs ago that I was last there. Defo not worth £200 unless you have severe shooting cold turkey....

Or save yourself a few quid and read shoot clay forums. Most of the info you would want from any subject can be found on here. Just don't mention poi or poa


just in case it could inadvertently cause offence.

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Oops. Just checked their website, costs have just gone mental. It's now £200 for 100 birds EEK!!!!! Was 6 yrs ago that I was last there. Defo not worth £200 unless you have severe shooting cold turkey....
Think they cater for the cruise ships going in now...I am going to have too many books to read now so won't have time anyway...

Keep 'em coming guys....God I love this forum (thanks Matt xx)

The Chimp Paradox - seriously, some great mental management tips in there.  Written by the guy who coached British Cycling to greatness
One of the best books out there.....lots of useful stuff and very simple to can borrow my copy if you'd like Jen

If anyone would be kind enough to offer me a copy of The Chimp Paradox I would be grateful.
Seven hour flight to I occupy.
Thanks in advance Jem

If anyone would be kind enough to offer me a copy of The Chimp Paradox I would be grateful.

Seven hour flight to I occupy.

Thanks in advance Jem
A couple of my clients downloaded the Audio version Jem.....might be worth taking a look at
