gun mount problem

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Was out on Friday and shot a few rounds of ABT. I had a not bad day but had one really bad round of 15 and could not understand what I was doing wrong with lots of intermittent misses through the round. I was shooting well for most of the time though and had a 22 and a 21 which for me is not bad. At the end of the day we were talking before setting off home and one of the guys said to me you are mounting you gun a bit high sometime and a bit low at others causing the inevitable high/low misses. I know that in one of the early rounds I shot twenty  targets straight and had good runs of hits during a couple of the others. My question is .. Is this likely to be a lack of concentration or tiredness when mounting the gun or could it be  gunfit problem? I know it is difficult to diagnose a problem with out seeing the shooter in action but it seems strange to be able to put together a good run of hits and then for reasons unknown have a run of inconsistent gun mounts?

I would say if you can get it right on occasions then gun fit is not really an issue, it sounds like your mount consistency is not as high as it might be. I have the same problem; if I'm not as relaxed as I might be I pull the gun up harder and end up shooting low. Gun mount practice, as dull as it might be is probably the answer here.

ATB Mark

Back to the mirror mate, just to check and reassure yourself

Other things to look

Fatigue both mental and physical, did you sleep well the night before, what were you doing the previous two days.

Dehydration, dodge the caffeine/energy drinks and have a bottle of water or isotonic drink (non-fizz) with you and just take sips or a couple of mouthfuls between stands/rounds.

Diet, go for small snacks of complex carbs and forget the really sugary stuff, I've found dried fruit, banana &or malt loaf work well on the day.

On a coaching day with Vigano he was asked what the Italian team managers worked on in training. He said we can all learn to hit 23 and what they worked on was how not to miss the other two. He spoke of a flight checklist - feet, hands and face contact. The horrors of the ISSF final videos come from highly gifted shooters devising ways to avoid missing. How the Spanish coaches assist maverick shooters like Fernandez and Bailon is hard to guess.

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Sounds like I am just not concentrating or rushing gun mount and not mounting it properly. Will be very conscious of my gun mount next weekend.

Agree with 40up you need a rigid routine,

ps - i don't have one i am a maverick also as 40up can confirm :)


re Spanish coaches i suspect they assist by not assisting

Agree with 40up you need a rigid routine,

ps - i don't have one i am a maverick also as 40up can confirm :)
Now I know that is not true Ips.

You have probably the most consistent pre-shot routine and gun mount that I have ever seen.

Fussy b*****s you Trapists!!!  :biggrin:    Sporters are the real mavericks. Anything will do???  :sarcastic:

Ha, you saw me on a good day mate, i can be erratic :)


The 20 straight tells the tale of whether the gun fits or not.

I'd bet you're playing the racing game again.  You might want to remember that there are no prizes for how fast you can get the gun up and shoot the target.

Seems too like you've been party to similar discussions in the past.

just sayin' .......................              :crazy:


re Spanish coaches i suspect they assist by not assisting
I know the Spanish coach and we'd do well with him over here. The Spanish team are just that, like the Italians. Not just a collection of individuals trying to outdo each other which ours have appeared to be for a number of years.

Let me elaborate.

Un orthodox shooters cannot be coached as only they know or rather don't know how or why they shoot the way they do they just do. The problem is that when it works its dynamic but and its a big but when it doesn't come together it falls apart in a big way. Consistency is not the friend of maverick shooting styles, i know this as i am one. Top gun witnessed me shooting in very bad light, i knew from experience that my natural mount call shoot technique would not work under such testing conditions so a slower more orthodox style was required. Usually i am a chuck it up and shoot the first thing that comes out kind of guy.

Let me elaborate.

Un orthodox shooters cannot be coached as only they know or rather don't know how or why they shoot the way they do they just do. The problem is that when it works its dynamic but and its a big but when it doesn't come together it falls apart in a big way. Consistency is not the friend of maverick shooting styles, i know this as i am one. Top gun witnessed me shooting in very bad light, i knew from experience that my natural mount call shoot technique would not work under such testing conditions so a slower more orthodox style was required. Usually i am a chuck it up and shoot the first thing that comes out kind of guy.
Well Ian, I don't know if I'm orthodox or un orthodox to be honest, Fred may know. Anyway this year I've plumbed the extreme depths of crap scores for whatever reason. I decided that drastic measures needed to be taken as you know, so new gun, un learn whatever I may have learned or otherwise have picked up, take lessons and get gun fit sorted as it's probably 25 years since I got fitted last! As for coaching, well I'm going back to square one, already had one problem identified, that of rolling my head across the comb, this came to light when having the new gun set up for me. So that's one thing sorted out! Now I just have to learn how to shoot. :laugh:

I wish you luck with new gun and whatever technique you implement my friend.


yesterday i used a hybrid version of chuck it up it was a kind of controlled chuck it up version :)

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yesterday i used a hybrid version of chuck it up it was a kind of controlled chuck it up version :)
Flippin eck Ian.........the mind boggles, what did Fred think of that version of things?

He wasn't there mate but i think he and i have exhausted every possible style for me and always end up pretty much back at square one, i am adaptable though so if it don't work for whatever reason i get another style out of the arsenal :)

Nice reading about you two (Les and Ian) Statler and Waldorf !


Anyway buying a new shooting stick is a bit extreme Les I thought you would have let the science of shooting prevail in your quest for perfection ! Then again nothing like the smell of the hot oil rising from your new shooter after a better round than the last with the old one  :) and if you had been shooting here you would know because it has been mid 30's C last time I was out.

 I have not looked at my Browning since I got the P gun and to be fair although my shooting has improved when comparing scores that might have happened anyway being new to the game ?? Thing is its a nice gun and when you feel better about your gun you will shoot better its like the placebo effect only you are not blind to the fact know you are shooting the best !

All the best with the new shooter Les!

He wasn't there mate but i think he and i have exhausted every possible style for me and always end up pretty much back at square one, i am adaptable though so if it don't work for whatever reason i get another style out of the arsenal :)

"Arsenal"???  Is that the formal term for what I think it is?

just askin' ...................................

Depends what you think it is Charlie ?

Are you implying that my spelling is somewhat lacking ?
