Enhancing the England Team selection procedure

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Nicky T

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Statistically speaking, at least 99.9% of shooters will never have the opportunity to represent their Country at their chosen clay shooting discipline. Some are not inclined to make the necessary commitments to improve to the required standard, whilst others are self-defined social shooters content with enjoying the proverbial otters and embracing the lighter side of shooting. The remaining percentile are of mixed ability, determination and commitment and aspire to becoming the best possible shot that they can be. However they are by and large also realistic in that they know only a fraction of the shooting community ever pass the selection process and make the national team.

Understandably the current selection processes determine which shooters have consistently performed to the highest standard over the designated number of selection shoots, leaving the majority to contend for class wins and positions. I wonder how the attendance figures and class dynamics would change if there also existed a selection process to determine a national team for each of the classes as well as a main national team? Selection shoots could be held within the six month window between classification periods leaving an extended period in which International competitions could be staged. Shooters of all classes could compete not just against the best but also against their peers and we could be faced with the prospect of fielding multiple teams (to compete like against like) when attending World and European Championships.

Aside from the obvious recognition that shooters making these teams would gain, the long term benefits are alluring as a greater number of shooters would be subjected to international competition and everything that it entails. Whilst some would undoubtedly find the going difficult, others would relish the prospect and want to continue climbing the proverbial ladder on both a domestic and foreign stage and this could only serve to add longevity to our competitive shooting community.

Hopefully this will provoke some discussion about the feasibility of such a scheme being drafted and one day adopted. All too often shooters seem quick to bemoan every facet of the sport that does not meet their expectations. Maybe it is time to be proactive and make the changes happen that the sport needs to safeguard its future and consequently our future enjoyment!

Thats an interesting question.

Will be good to see what replys come as some people on here from previous threads think that shooters below A class don't deserve anything,not even a cash prize pot at a registered shoot, :bb:

Who is this national 'class' team going to shoot against? That's what the B/O, E/O and other majors facilitate, you can shoot against anyone else in your class that is prepared to travel South to the Majors...

Inter county English class compitition-yes, international team class competitions...where are you going to find time, funding and other international 'class' teams to shoot against? The traveling part of clay shooting is expensive and time consuming...other wise I'd be over the Border every other week!!! :D

Who is this national 'class' team going to shoot against? That's what the B/O, E/O and other majors facilitate, you can shoot against anyone else in your class that is prepared to travel South to the Majors...

Inter county English class compitition-yes, international team class competitions...where are you going to find time, funding and other international 'class' teams to shoot against? The traveling part of clay shooting is expensive and time consuming...other wise I'd be over the Border every other week!!! :D
Not just one "class" team but hopefully one team per "class" :) . A starting point could be to aim to get these teams in place for the Home Internationals in 2014. As for funding, one potential revenue stream is from the selection shoots themselves as there would be an enhanced reason to take part in them for the non AAA classed shooter.

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I'm not likely to get an England Cap, but I think I'd prefer to aim for the prestige of making the cut as it is rather than go for a watered-down A Class or B Class Team. That's not to say that the selection process couldn't be improved somehow.

I'm not likely to get an England Cap, but I think I'd prefer to aim for the prestige of making the cut as it is rather than go for a watered-down A Class or B Class Team. That's not to say that the selection process couldn't be improved somehow.
There's always All Round old boy :p

I totally understood what you meant by class teams, as in AA/A/B/C class teams, (i miss out AAA as there is no AAA class up here) up here we struggle to fund/assemble, one sporting team, only 13 seniors traveled to Wales last year...so who are you going to shoot against at a home international?

You can only make a national team (England or GBR) by going through the specified selection procedures for each.

I think it is a great idea of upping everyone's game in the classes but for Home International or for International shoots...there is no class system.

You are either in an International event as an individual entrant or a team member for the World body of FITASC or ICTSF because they are all open events.  

As opposed to the ISSF disciplines or the Home Internationals which are closed shoots where only official teams are invited (GBR teams for ISSF and England, Wales, N Ireland or Scotland teams for Home Internationals.)

Remember it depends on what the World body allows in their Federation articles and not what CPSA or any other home body wants.

You could fund it by selling 300 England team jackets in five years.

In principle i think its a good idea, International level might be pushing it a bit a first, lower level at present there is the Inter-Counties which one wonders could such a "class" competition be run on those days as a trial?

costs more to do the selection shoots than entering and getting to the comp your trying to qualify for in most cases.

International experience for shooter's of each class , that is exactly what the Skeet Club has done since 2000 I believe and I have witnessed it's success. Class shooter's telling their friend's that they are shooting for their country , might only be in their class but the enthusiasm and new shooter's that the enthusiasm has brought in is real. 

I totally understood what you meant by class teams, as in AA/A/B/C class teams, (i miss out AAA as there is no AAA class up here) up here we struggle to fund/assemble, one sporting team, only 13 seniors traveled to Wales last year...so who are you going to shoot against at a home international?
Ireland and Wales by the sounds of it ;)

Or in this case just give them away.
Not a fan of the idea then? There's no reason why the privileges of the full England team (uniforms, funding etc) shouldn't still be reserved for the proper England team, but what is the harm of extending the program to encompass those who are not yet ready for AAA? A good example of this is someone like Ronnie Green who in his early teens is shooting very well and looking promising to be an England prospect in the future. A system like this could provide him with valuable experience on the international stage which may just encourage him (and others) to continue their shooting in their adult years.

They already get exposure as a junior when they qualify for a GBR place in either FITASC or ISSF disciplines. The World Championships and European Championships in each ISSF and FITASC discipline have a team of 3 juniors, who are selected by doing the selection shoots around the country.

The word International means a scratch event....there are no classess....you are supposed to bring teams that are the best that you can select.

If they want to experience it them they go through the existing selection process.

Also the Home Internationals also have individual junior teams under the badges of England, N Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

As for class team experience....you already have that at every registered shoot in the UK.

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