Health and safety gone mad!

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Just back for a quickie on this, and then I'm off again, along the theme of things getting out of hand again.

The problem with a forum reliant on the written word is that nobody can see your face when you are writing your post.  So we can't see if you are laughing, smiling, frowning or boiling with rage!  Your mood or feelings do not necessarily translate in the writing.  You can therefore write something that could be taken as aggressive, rude, insulting, ambiguous or whatever but it can be misunderstood.  Smilies don't often help when the written word is contradicted by a smile at the end which does nothing to lighten the tone.

The reader, as well, has to perhaps bite their tongue before lashing out in response and to read carefully what has been said.  Try and get at the true meaning and don't see aggro if there isn't any.  It may just be conveying a strongly held view to which they are entitled but to which you are entitled to disagree.  Don't try and ram your views down each others throats!

I belong to a target shooting forum and there is NEVER any aggro like this between forum members.  Perhaps its because we have to be calm and very deliberate in our shooting. Speed reading and speed writing also lead to errors and misunderstandings!

As everyone keeps saying lets de-stress a bit, lower our blood pressure and hopefully someone won't have a heart attack!

Well said Robert.

I have typed same on several occasions on here and on C l .......sadly you get tired of typing the same thing when it is ignored.

It does not matter how many smilies are used because for some people even a thousand is not enough :smile:

we could have a Fisher Price room ? we could send all the naughty posters there for an hour or so to sit on the naughty stools provide ??

They could argue amongst themsleves then!!

cmon people there are far more important things in life than getting insulted on a forum, I probably know about 1% of the people on here i take what they say at face value and allow for the fact they have their own opinions, if someone gets personal then its their problem as they dont actually know me.

Given that there are only so many shooting related topics one can discuss on a forum and taking into account the "deadly" rivalry between disciplines I treat coming on here a bit like watching Groundhog day over and over again which rather rionic in itself! We all know by now who feels what about what, so lets just Allow as my son would say to me.

I see you haven't only picked up my technical advise but your taking a leaf out of my book of dealing sensibly and maturely with people..! That would be a very short book!

to be honest I think half of the problem is that when people are using an alias they are far more willing to be controversial / difficult etc etc than they would be if their name was up next to their avatar......

Fortunately for me I was able to hijack some blokes logo and pretend to be him.....Im really a spot welder from sheffield called Derek......what you looking at?...that does it!!....come on!!...OUTSIDE!!!


 For goodness sake listen will you, I said you were a SPOTTY welder.

But at least your better at that than shooting, and we will never mention photography. :slow:   :slow:   :slow:

You wore it out Nic.
I know that you were not around on those forums in those days, until near the end, but if I can possibly correct you all please, I invented the naughty step as a humorous way of calming things down. I actually was the one who 'put' people on the naughty step :smile:

But I did go and sit with them sometimes, if they had to remain for a period of time :smile:

It was always taken as a bit of fun.

Speaking about short books as Ed was

Has anyone read any of the following:

O J Simpson "My plan is to find the real killers"

The Amish Phone Book

Bill Clinton "The Book of Virtues"

A guide to Arab Democracies

The Difference between Reality and Dilbert

The Engineers Guide to Fashion


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