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with respect isnt the forum about frank exchanges of views and the whole point is that we agree or disagree with any given point of /opnion?

The arrogant lecturing people ( and I accept I may well be regarded as such by some on here)only have a prescence because people give them the oxygen of "publicity" by taking them on in the forum. Surely the sensible members and those new to the forum (who can be educated) have the savvy to just ignore them?

I have engaged in debates on here because I felt I had something to add equally I have ignored many which I think were a waste of time, surely as a democratic forum one has the choice to respond or just not rise to the bait as it were ?? Overall I think the forum has a very good feel to it there is plenty of fluffy rabbits and the majority of people now know where most of the members are "coming from " when they make their posts

I would implore everyone to get this in perspective, its a forum its not life, death or any danm meaningful thing its just a forum.



Well - you'd think so, wouldn't you David... but unfortunately, there is a line at which frank exchanges become stupid exchanges. I'm all for robust conversations and disagreements - but I will not accept some of the tone being used here.

There are people on the site who clearly enjoy picking fights with others - either by using tone or language that others find objectionable.  I understand the position of the contrarian - but I believe that can be achieved without arrogance or condescension - I'd like people to read back their comments before hitting 'post' and think how their experience and 'wisdom' is being seen by new shooters, or new members. Many of the people that have closed their accounts recently have told me it is JUST THESE sorts of comments that have led them to not enjoy being part of this community.

As always, I'm trying to stop this site slipping back into the ways of the older incarnations of clay shooting sites.  If everyone wants it to go that way - that's fine, but I'll stop investing time and effort in making the community better, at the moment I'm funding a place that not all people find welcoming.

I'm asking everyone to help make ShootClay a better place - not trying to curtail the 'good feel'.

If I'm wrong - someone needs to tell me why - and I'll listen.

Fair points Matt,it is hard to strike a balance that everyone likes,perhaps 3 strikes and you are out might make people think about how and what they post?

If as you say you are losing new shooters/members then maybe you have to review the format a little ?

It's not what it's how you say it. Apologies to Chard for using him as an example but his language is always colourful and his message from his stand point robust, but he manages to pull it off as non offensive.

You have a hard job on Matt pick who to boot off. 

I suppose you will have to look at what do people bring to the forum? Meet ups, current information, coaching help, explaining difficult topics, long time friendships, years and years of experience.......we have them all on here.

Good luck. :smile:

One thing is sure though....all need to fit in. There are several on here who take a lot of time out of their busy days to post threads, or reply to newbie questions offering great advice on the technical sides of the sport or on the ground information, or sharing experiences, knowledge of guns and cartridges, knowledge of competitions, mental game, overseas shooting, results fresh of the podium etc etc etc  The list is endless.

Have fun clearing out. :smile:

Then again Nicola there are some of us who do none of that !! HMMMMM I shall get me coat!!!

Then again Nicola there are some of us who do none of that !! HMMMMM I shall get me coat!!!
Tell you what CC....after sitting through the AGM for the SE region last night and the remarks (in what can only be called a very poor tone and delivered at volume) directed at Kent's Chairman (whilst 4 directors were in the room who just sat and watched) I wonder why I am really wasting my time as a volunteer in this sport. I was appalled. 

I asked for it to be toned down as it was not in the spirit of the association to treat volunteer workers in this way...............answer.............a shouted 'Shut Up Nicola'. :smile:

Nicola, sounds like it was a robust SE Regional AGM with you firmly put in your place, and a number of vicious attacks and character assisinations. Standard CPSA format then? It really does now sound like the lunatics are running the asylum.

Maybe I should go to work rather than attend the National AGM at Swindon. It may save my money, fuel, and patience. Seems like the majority don't want change, so I will have to accept that I and others are wrong in the way we think our association should be run.  

Hahaha I do not have a place Salop.

However I think that people were put off asking the questions they wanted to. However they know that the main AGM is just around the corner and will ask them there.

I was shocked really......and I do not do shocked. Talking to a volunteer (Kent's Chairman) in such a way I did not was rude and unacceptable. The more unacceptable part was that the directors present did nothing. They sat and watched. It had an arranged feeling to it IMHO. it was also at a strange part of the meeting, not in AOB.

Nope I am very unhappy about what happened.

Bloody good job it was not directed at me....!!

Well done everyone - another member who cancelled their account due to the hectoring and lecturing on this thread.
Who cancelled Matt? I haven't seen anything really nasty going on, unless I missed it, I'm really good at missing things!!!! :hunter:

Ooh there was some real verbal kicking off les and you missed it all cos you was down the pub :)

Actually i have no idea either

Ooh there was some real verbal kicking off les and you missed it all cos you was down the pub :)

Actually i have no idea either
Even Nic knows nothing! Can't have been serious or Nic would have known about it Ian. :yes:

Indeed les. In fact if it was serious nic would more than likely have been the instigator :)

Only joking nic :)

I wouldn't go as far as to call it a pet hate, but I don't like dicks slinging guns over their shoulders either. 99% have no concept at all of what's going on behind them. Nobody's twatted me in the face with one yet (luckily for them) but it's only a matter of time.

I think most of them think they look cool. They don't.

There is no way that clumsy sh*te is easier than carrying it over your arm. I don't bother with gunslips at a shoot. I do every shoot with the gun broken over my arm.

I class it in the same crap-pile as the turkeys who empty their spent cartridges by flailing their gun upside down and trying to aim them in the bin. They look like a demented majorette.
I have done it for over 40 years, with no ill effect to any one. I'll be buggered if anyone thinks they can make me do it any different.



 It may if it's loaded!

That's why we like you to open it first!

As for over the shoulder, surely that is a statement of arrogance?     " Look at my Perazzi" ,    " No,  you look at my ASE or SCO ".

Mindless gum chewing numpties following in line  pretending to be Italian or of Italian descent.

Just remember, if you want to be good, shoot Sporting, if you are old, shoot Trap, if you are thick shoot Skeet  ( remember Americans invented it and excel at it) and if you are old, retired, wealthy and fat shoot FITASC.
Nah, a £1000 Miroku looks as good as a £10000 Perazzi when it's over your shoulder - honest it does.


gawd people its only   a minority sport,!! lighten up, I dont care if you carry your gun on yer head as long as its safe
