Pet Hates!

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Probably because you aren't a woman?

I've been to one Shotgun and Chelsea Bun event and found it wasn't for me.  Probably because I had already shot quite a lot of clays and didn't feel the targets were particularly challenging or that the accompanying coach was of much help.

However, if you are a woman who doesn't know any men that already clay shoot and you want to give it a try for the first time or maybe use it to build a bit of confidence before going to open shoots or registered shoots, then I can see the benefits it offers.  Anyone that does the Shotgun and Chelsea Bun thing, catches the bug and wants to shoot more is almost certainly going to end up moving on to shooting with men, but by that stage at least they'll feel confident enough that they aren't going to make a complete prat of themselves in front of the usual bunch of grumpy old codgers that assemble at most open shoots.
haha, so true Jen, specially the grumpy old codgers bit ,,,,,,,, classic !  see you soon,,,,

Another of my pet hates are AAA and AA shooters they go into the stand and smoke all the clays making it look so easy and making us lesser shooter's look like idiots.I think when they get to that level they should be banned from clay shooting and made to take up golf.

Another of my pet hates are AAA and AA shooters they go into the stand and smoke all the clays making it look so easy and making us lesser shooter's look like idiots.I think when they get to that level they should be banned from clay shooting and made to take up golf.
I'm tempted to agree, but I was stood behind a certain Mr Easeman on Sunday and it was a pleasure to watch him straight a simo pair that the four people in front of him had missed at least three of.

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I'm tempted to agree, but I was stood behind a certain Mr Easeman on Sunday and it was a pleasure to watch him straight a simo pair that the four people in front of him had missed at least three of.
That definitely wasn't stand 1...

Got to be people using semi autos and ejecting the spent cartridges and not picking up  after and placing in bins,but im only just starting clay shooting so I dont want to alienate to many people just yet.

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As my semi-auto ejects empty cases to the right and forward a proportion of them are thrown "out of bounds" where I'm not authorised to venture.

If you're only just starting then your pet hate must be based on recent experience rather than the received wisdom of others' dislikes, so please tell me what it is about empty cases that you so hate?

As my semi-auto ejects empty cases to the right and forward a proportion of them are thrown "out of bounds" where I'm not authorised to venture.

If you're only just starting then your pet hate must be based on recent experience rather than the received wisdom of others' dislikes, so please tell me what it is about empty cases that you so hate?
yes you are correct it is my recent experience.i have no problem with empty cases if they have been placed in the bin but is just laziness to not pick them up that gets me just assuming that someone else will clear up after them.

Well I certainly hope someone clears up after me.  I can't imagine anyone expecting ME to do it!

Good God, Man!! What are peasants for anyway?

RBSS the cage, in the zone............"Pull" and the bloody refs walkie talkie starts screaming at ya............why?

If that wasn't enough, the bloody screaming quad bike passes inches from ya too...........why oh why?

That's got this thread flowing again........ :D

I have a pet hate - paper scorecards in the pouring rain and sharp pencils for marking.  My scorecard from Valley View looked like mulch by the end of the shoot with several holes in it - didn't even attempt to count the score.  I think all scorecards need to be waterproof.

I have a pet hate - paper scorecards in the pouring rain and sharp pencils for marking.  My scorecard from Valley View looked like mulch by the end of the shoot with several holes in it - didn't even attempt to count the score.  I think all scorecards need to be waterproof.
went to a shoot the other day waxed cards and waterbased ink pens......first time i have handed in a blank card,by the time you had walked from one stand to another it was gone!!

In my range bag I have a transparent file jacket and a pencil to increase the chance of survival for the score card.

In my range bag I have a transparent file jacket and a pencil to increase the chance of survival for the score card.
we were given one of those to try and keep it dry but in the pouring rain it just didn't cut the mustard.  

Not really a pet hate, but something that has annoyed me recently on practice rounds is people who come barging into a stand whilst you are in the middle of your shot and clutter around plonking their bag and gun down right next to you. When I'm waiting for a stand I hang back outside the actual enclosure so as not to distract the shooter, basically stay out of their space. Once they've finished then I move in and put my gear down. 
