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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2013

I don't get where Philip is going with this, willing to be enlightened but so much spent on modifying, designing and filming these wacky ideas involving clays being shot from odd situations  :unsure: ...............after the second shot the question is : And ?

Only in America as they say, or is it Norfolk ?  :lol: :lol:

I think he is the biggest tw*t going this does nothing to promote shooting sports and he should have his licence revoked acting like this .it does nothing other than give the anti's fuel 


Bit of a pillock, but I suppose he isn't hurting anyone so what does it matter.  The best bit of those videos was the end of the last one when he nearly crapped himself when that big lump of clay was heading for him.

I am inclined to agree with Deershooter, but there will be some on here who will come along and say what a nice bloke Phillip is, that he's only having fun, as an accomplished shot he's in full control of his actions, and that it's just his way so it's all OK. But would it be OK if someone "unknown" carried on like this? Maybe a beginner who sees this video presentation will have a go this weekend. Now that would be funny wouldn't it? Well, wouldn't it? Oh Yes! Hilarious I'm sure.

Well, in my view this idiotic behaviour is not OK. and will only damage shooting sports and accelerate the loss of our legally held items of sporting equipment.

Will his supporters still be standing at his side when an accident does happen? Or will they want to distance themselves from this idiot? Time will tell.

Good luck!

Edit: Actually I used the word "Accident", but to quote from the film Hot Fuzz, "An accident denotes that nobody is to blame", but should an "incident" occur during these sort of pranks, or any copycat occurrences, then it's clear where to lay the blame.

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I always worry when an objection is made on the grounds of safety.  Who is being threatened except those involved?  Why are they not free to do as they please in their own space so long as they involve no one inadvertently?  Why do some people need two mothers (in the opinion of others) when everyone does not?  

Personally I don't find any interest in what he does at all - I mean, WTF?

BUT - - - I think my comment is MYOFB and if you don't like it don't watch it

Agreed Wonko except the videos make the whole thing public, and therefore whether we like it or not, it feeds the antis and THAT makes it our business. 

I always worry when an objection is made on the grounds of safety.  Who is being threatened except those involved?  Why are they not free to do as they please in their own space so long as they involve no one inadvertently?  Why do some people need two mothers (in the opinion of others) when everyone does not?  

Personally I don't find any interest in what he does at all - I mean, WTF?

BUT - - - I think my comment is MYOFB and if you don't like it don't watch it
He is certainly very talented but in the case of Mr Thurrold isn't he a well known and to date respected coach, running a shooting academy.  Whilst he may only be endangering himself and those around on the film and I am sure they were very careful BUT there are going to be numb nuts out there who will want to try to emulate him.  I never think it a good idea for example to throw a loaded gun from one person to another - who does that? 

I would have to then wonder at what point do we desist from monitoring and restricting the actions of others and who decides who/what needs to be attended to?

and of course - who watches the watchers?

Perhaps some of you should contact Mr. Thorrold directly and let him know of your concerns.  He, perhaps, may be able to lighten you load of worries.

Agreed Wonko except the videos make the whole thing public, and therefore whether we like it or not, it feeds the antis and THAT makes it our business. 
An how much attention has his prior activities generated among the general press and the anti's blatherings?

I don't get where Philip is going with this, willing to be enlightened but so much spent on modifying, designing and filming these wacky ideas involving clays being shot from odd situations  :unsure: ...............after the second shot the question is : And ?

Only in America as they say, or is it Norfolk ?  :lol: :lol:
its not norfolk its Suffolk. Even youtube won't show what we do with guns in Norfolk!!!

 An how much attention has his prior activities generated among the general press and the anti's blatherings?
You said MYOFB... my point was simply that he made it our business by posting his videos in public.

As for my opinion of the actual videos - honestly? He looks a prat. Don't misunderstand me, I believe in live and let live, but he still looks a prat IMHO.

You said MYOFB... my point was simply that he made it our business by posting his videos in public.

As for my opinion of the actual videos - honestly? He looks a prat. Don't misunderstand me, I believe in live and let live, but he still looks a prat IMHO.
I can't agree that merely being exposed publicly makes it any body's business.  The looking a prat part is impossible to argue with.   :cry:

I can't agree that merely being exposed publicly makes it any body's business....
I'd agree if these were "private" videos and if they had been exposed by an unauthorised 3rd party. However, by posting his own videos, (presumably for self promotional purposes) he has put himself in the limelight, and by default open to public censure.

So sorry Wonko, but in these circumstances HE has effectively invited comments, and; unless you can explain to me how his actions could possibly be seen positively by the general (non shooting) public, I'm sticking with my opinion.

If he brings the sport into disrepute by his actions then it is very much our business!
Has he done that?

I'd agree if these were "private" videos and if they had been exposed by an unauthorised 3rd party. However, by posting his own videos, (presumably for self promotional purposes) he has put himself in the limelight, and by default open to public censure.

So sorry Wonko, but in these circumstances HE has effectively invited comments, and; unless you can explain to me how his actions could possibly be seen positively by the general (non shooting) public, I'm sticking with my opinion.
I can only ask again - what kind of comments have the vidi's generated outside of the shooting community?  And have any of those objecting contacted him directly to let him know of their opinions?

I mean, I have no interest in arguing your opinion of what he does since I agree - BUT who cares and what have they taken up in response to it?

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I can only ask again - what kind of comments have the vidi's generated outside of the shooting community?  And have any of those objecting contacted him directly to let him know of their opinions?

I mean, I have no interest in arguing your opinion of what he does since I agree - BUT who cares and what have they taken up in response to it?
And I can only repeat that my post was specifically related to your "MYOFB" comment, but you've avoided my point where I say in posting these videos he has made himself a target.

However to answer your question, I don't give a toss if the anti's have or have not used this. Notwithstanding that, the fact still remains that he has put these images "out there" and by doing so (IMO) has at the very least created a potential for negative comments against the wider shooting community.

If you can't see that, then rather than go into a pointless loop, I choose to assume you're being deliberately obtuse. 

As for contacting him, let me take a guess at the response that would elcit :rolleyes:

Over and out :wink:

OK a couple points:

The MYOFB was not specifically directed at you - it was a general suggestion and one I suggest for a number of situations where sanctimonious comments arise  and    none of these comments are directed specifically (finners) at you personally

If I posted a vidi of my birthday party on a public forum you could certainly comment on the activities but it would certainly not be any of your FB what occurred there unless some statutes were violated and you were a legally authorized enforcement agent.  I realize the distinction as to what constitutes YFB is a difficult nuance to define

and that reminds me that not commenting on Thorrold's site itself leaves me somewhat in question of the sincerity of your (those objecting) objections.  IIRC youtube provides a comments section

all in all ----------------------- who GAF? about the vidi (I mean, really?) - - that's rhetorical as well as genuinely inquiring since I haven't checked teh comments there as I don't have the time to waste on it after all this  hahahaha

