News from Barbury Shooting School

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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011
Two pieces of news reach us this afternoon from one of our favourite shooting venues, Barbury Shooting School in Wiltshire.Firstly - From 10-14th August 2011, Barbury Shooting School hosted the 3rd annual ‘Barbury Challenge’.  With over 200 entries this was the biggest Barbury Challenge to date.   Competitors were tested with a challenging 100 sporting layout designed by Derrick & Shaun Willis to win a variety of prizes donated by Wiltshire Rod & Gun, Hull Cartridges, Porsche Centre Swindon & Roxtons.   Chris Childerhouse won the High Gun with a score of 87, closely followed by Phil Smith on 84 and John Peck on 82.   Sarah Armstrong was the Ladies High Gun with a score of 65 and Mark Jones won the Members Only competition with his final tally of 77.Bout not such great news followed - overnight on 27th August thieves broke into a small area of the Shooting School and stole 4 valuable Promatic traps:

  • 1 Standard Ranger 8 (Serial 20233)
  • 1 midi Ranger 8 (Serial 20227)
  • 1 Standard Osprey (Serial 56070)
  • 1 8 stack Standard Super Sporter
Please be vigilant and if you are approached by anyone selling these traps, please contact Wiltshire Police on 0845 408 7000 or the Crimestoppers line in confidence on 0800 555 111Sad news - as I know how hard the team at Barbury are working to make the School even better - hope they can get these recovered ASAP.

Glad that the Challenge was a huge success :)Sorry to hear about the theft, I have reposted details on 2 forums.Jon.

congrats to the winners, I wonder what the Porsche center donated -- a 911 or a Boxter maybe for 3rd place . - Respect to ALL the Sponsors and donators .It's sad that thieves will steal anythinkg these days just for the money, I hope any gun club or anyone at all check out these serial numbers before they buy and give the thieves another reason to steal again, I know last year over here there was one club got a new quad bike to help them around the shoot as they'd a fair bit of scope to travel but I don't think the quad lasted more than one moth to it was away too -- all I can say is IF any of the thieves mentioned here are actually shooters themselves they deserve all the bad luck possible and that thier scores go down hill ASAP. Nige

Maybe i should post this under the reviews section?I visited Barbury for the first time to do the challenge. I ended with a horrible score, partly because it was a tough course, but mainly because it was hideously windy. It also didn't help that they had a hugely ill-considered stand that threw two high driven birds right into the sun on the day I did it. Being in a cage, you just could not turn enough to shoot them anywhere visible. Also, the scorer who took me round was not really up to competition standard, imo..Sorry if I sound negative, but i mean it constructively. Actually they have a really nice facility there that just needs more experience with competitions i feel. Their entry was a bit poor, but I think the place could really progress if they tweaked it. Terrible news re the trap thefts. Nobody needs that..Csc3
