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  1. George Who ?

    English Open - Doveridge - May 10, 11 &12

    Well, This was my first time at Doveridge ,thought this was a great shoot, with fantastic targets, looking back at my humble 70, I managed to hit at least 1 of every clay presented. So only my lack of ability to blame, if they could set up similar shoots like this every week, I for 1 would be a...
  2. George Who ?

    Shoot Clay Support Challenge

    Growl, have you room for 2 more ?
  3. George Who ?

    Soft Shells

    What do you recommend that I start my 14year old on her move from 20 bore up to 12 with. Something nice & soft, for the last 6 months she has been on eley 21 gram felt. What type & make do you guys suggest ? Cheers