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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Daz W

    Hard pull

    Stock bolt hex key, pin punch and a hammer.
  2. Daz W

    Shooting Glasses

    Will H recommended these anti fog wipes to me, and they're pretty good:
  3. Daz W

    Shoot reports and news 2025

    Northampton for me today. As I thought a fortnight ago, this one was cranked up, and my pants got pulled down on a few. Came out of the gate quite well, only dropping 1 in the first 3 stands. Then stand 4 bit me. Didn't give the overhead enough lead, and dropped all 4. Couldn't find the full...
  4. Daz W

    Shoot reports and news 2025

    The last few shoots at ST would appear to have been on the really hard side and now attendance numbers are starting to show. Other nearby shoots with a 50% plus higher attendance. Looking at the scores for ST, nearly all shooters shot below the score band for their current classification. I'm...
  5. Daz W

    What toolkit - precision ground screw drivers

    Personally I'd be averse to purchasing a gunsmithing screwdriver set for the following reasons: 1) If it's got "gunsmithing" in the advertising, then it's going to attach a markup to suit. 2) It's unlikely to contain all the 1/4" hex drive bits you need, so you're going to end up buying more, or...
  6. Daz W

    Bad News, "it comes in threes"

    Maybe partially caused by people giving up, but also due licensing grant and renewal delays. People are offloading guns rather than having them put into RFD storage. The glut of 2nd hand shotguns are now not being purchased by new shooters as their grant is taking up to 2 years to come through.
  7. Daz W

    Shooting Glasses

    Purple tints are good at killing a green background, making a blaze target really stand out. No reason not to wear them for targets up in the air though. Everybodys eyes are different, so what tints and light transmission percentages works for one person may not work for another. I had a set of...
  8. Daz W

    Shoot reports and news 2025

    OK, I'll kick it off then. Happy New Year all. Northampton Shooting ground for me on Sun 5th. Cold, raining, snowing and foggy. At least the wind kept down. Fortunately they'd tweaked the course to make some allowances for the weather. Possibly a bit too much. Although I thought it was a very...
  9. Daz W

    Bad News, "it comes in threes"

    Putting the licence up to £400 might appear steep, but is it really? The most expensive fishing licence is £90.40 per year. The argument for those on low incomes isn't the strongest in my opinion, or there are viable solutions. Shooting isn't a cheap sport. How many shooters are actually on...
  10. Daz W

    Adding a shotgun to my certificate met police

    Yep, adding a shotgun to your SGC is free. Easiest way to notify the Met Police is online:
  11. Daz W


    You won't get humiliated. We all had the same feeling. My first comp I shot in the 40's One of my mates, who I've been shooting with for a few years, struggles to hit that still. Don't worry about your score. First thing I learnt from my first shoot - nobody really is interested in anyone elses...
  12. Daz W

    Gamebore WhiteGold fibre prices

    £299 for plaswad
  13. Daz W

    Gamebore WhiteGold fibre prices

    If you're not too fussy about the quad seal bit, then EJ Churchills fibre Hellfire Pro are apparently the non quad seal White Golds. £311/thou. Not sure if they hold them at the Swinton ground.
  14. Daz W

    Fioochi fblu prices

    Gatton Bottom pricing is pretty good TBH. Unfortunately since they've stopped the registered shoots, I've stopped going there. I normally get mine from Park Street Guns near St Albans, who are a couple of quid cheaper than GB.
  15. Daz W

    Plastic or Fibre wad 24g or 28g 7.5-6

    Shooting 24g over 28g IMO is nuts. More lead, more dead. Shooting 9s over 7.5s? Depends upon the target type and presentation. If you are shooting an edge on target at distance, then you want as much kinetic energy in the pellet as possible to break the clay, otherwise they are going to bounce...
  16. Daz W

    Fioochi fblu prices

    You'll struggle to beat these prices, but you never mentioned where you are
  17. Daz W

    Recommend me a 20 Bore

    If you're mainly going to be shooting clays rather than game, then I'd seriously reconsider and get a 12g over a 20g. As MartynB has already mentioned, 12g ammo significantly cheaper than 20g. As a 20g gun is normally lighter than a 12g, the felt recoil is also going to be higher on a 20. For...
  18. Daz W

    Redricks Sporting Clays

    Phil, thanks for your and your teams efforts in putting on some cracking shoots. We all hope you return at a new location in the (not too distant) future.
  19. Daz W

    Skeet ranges near me

    Sporting Targets near Bedford is the only one I can think of.