Cape Town

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2015
Tunbridge Wells
just finished the sport trap at Valley Gun Club in Cape Town.  Excellent targets as usual but it was extremely windy today and the sim pairs were really hard.  Each layout had 1 single, a double on report then a sim double.  The wind was pushing the targets everywhere and it was the sim pairs that gave everyone trouble.   Many people didn't even get the second shot off, but it was the same for everyone as it was windy all day and once again, quality targets, lovely people and am now looking forward to the sporting tomorrow where less wind is forecast?

no, everything went ahead as planned, I heard a few people talking about the French but as I'm here to shoot not talk about politics I didn't take any notice and don't know really know what they were on about anyway.  But a great place to shoot, 3rd time here and I love it.

glad you enjoying VGC,, it is my old club, after all !.it is a lovely ground,, i can vouch for that. the wind gets a bit hectic too, get on `em as quick as possible !,, incidentally, the sportrap is 5 stand,,, (!) and its probably a regional shoot, not international,  and it will be ESP tomorrow,   ,as a prelude to next week. hope it goes well,, and enjoy the wine, and hopefully, the crayfish,,if Eric Manshoven don't get in first !

Eric is here!  We are staying near the v&a waterfront and have just had a wonderful meal and can vouch for the wine too!  Had the most delicious king prawns you have had.  Roll on tomorrow.

glad you enjoying VGC,, it is my old club, after all !.it is a lovely ground,, i can vouch for that. the wind gets a bit hectic too, get on `em as quick as possible !,, incidentally, the sportrap is 5 stand,,, (!) and its probably a regional shoot, not international,  and it will be ESP tomorrow,   ,as a prelude to next week. hope it goes well,, and enjoy the wine, and hopefully, the crayfish,,if Eric Manshoven don't get in first !
You've given the crayfish game away but don't tell 'em about perlemoen Jim!

well, 2nd day shooting was a disaster, felt crap all day without really knowing why and shot terrible.  On Monday Phil and I went out driving when I became very ill.  I was up all night violently sick etc.  Tuesday was not much better and by the evening the pain in my abdomen was excruciating and I was shaking all over as if I was having a fit.  The hotel reception called a local GP who arrived in 10 mins and done loads of tests. Turned out I had a bad bladder infection so after injections and antibiotics off he went with a promise of a follow up on weds.  Weds turned out just as bad, shaking had stopped but still in bad pain so he arranged for us to go to the local hospital where again within 20 mins or so I had bloods done and an ultra scan.  Had just got back to the hotel when he phoned again to say get back in taxi and go straight to hospital as I had all the signs of appendicitis.  On arrival I was whipped to a ward and prepped for surgery.  The surgeon went through everything and said it was only option so by 7 pm I was in surgery and out by 8ish.  Phil waited to talk to surgeon who said everything went well etc but I had an irrigation of the cavity as peritonitis had set in.  All I can say is I'm out now and I have had the best care I could have asked for,  if you are going to be ill, do it in Cape Town and make sure you have medical insurance.  We have insurance but it's not until you need it you realise how important it is.  Needless to say, Phil came into hospital at 7am yesterday and I persuaded him to shoot the fitasc thinking he won't  shoot well as he would be worried about me but it would do him good to be around other people and he shot the round of his life! A bloody 91 !!! Everyone from the hotel porters and staff to hospital workers were fantastic and although I'm gutted I've missed the shooting I will be there trying to cheer everyone on wishing I was shooting too for sat and sun.  Take care everyone out there.

well, 2nd day shooting was a disaster, felt crap all day without really knowing why and shot terrible.  On Monday Phil and I went out driving when I became very ill.  I was up all night violently sick etc.  Tuesday was not much better and by the evening the pain in my abdomen was excruciating and I was shaking all over as if I was having a fit.  The hotel reception called a local GP who arrived in 10 mins and done loads of tests. Turned out I had a bad bladder infection so after injections and antibiotics off he went with a promise of a follow up on weds.  Weds turned out just as bad, shaking had stopped but still in bad pain so he arranged for us to go to the local hospital where again within 20 mins or so I had bloods done and an ultra scan.  Had just got back to the hotel when he phoned again to say get back in taxi and go straight to hospital as I had all the signs of appendicitis.  On arrival I was whipped to a ward and prepped for surgery.  The surgeon went through everything and said it was only option so by 7 pm I was in surgery and out by 8ish.  Phil waited to talk to surgeon who said everything went well etc but I had an irrigation of the cavity as peritonitis had set in.  All I can say is I'm out now and I have had the best care I could have asked for,  if you are going to be ill, do it in Cape Town and make sure you have medical insurance.  We have insurance but it's not until you need it you realise how important it is.  Needless to say, Phil came into hospital at 7am yesterday and I persuaded him to shoot the fitasc thinking he won't  shoot well as he would be worried about me but it would do him good to be around other people and he shot the round of his life! A bloody 91 !!! Everyone from the hotel porters and staff to hospital workers were fantastic and although I'm gutted I've missed the shooting I will be there trying to cheer everyone on wishing I was shooting too for sat and sun.  Take care everyone out there.
Glad you are okay and they got it out in time.  Shame to have missed the shooting.

Thank you Sian, you don't realise how many nice people there are out there until something like this happens.

now that is bad luck - good luck ! medical care in SA is excellent, as long as you pay,,,, good luck your able to see a gp so quickly !. ,,  shame to miss the shooting though,, also a shame you cannot extend your stay a bit, to try and catch up a bit on whats on offer . 

i see there was good scores by a fair few shooters,, nice to hear ! GD on 97, others very close,,, 

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SA Medical care is, as Jim says, amongst the worlds best. Cape Town was where the worlds first heart transplant was done.

But you'd better be insured or on a 'medical aid' scheme. if you aren't you need deep pockets. My sister is in the midst of terminal cancer in SA and is without cover. Lets just say that it's rather challenging.

 not good,  sorry to hear that Ian , hopefully comfortable at least. i know its a long way away,,, strongs to you and family.


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