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  1. jimmybh

    Tips to figure out why you cant hit a certain target!!??

    Can anyone help give me some tips on how to self analyse why I miss a certain target....I go to more practice grounds than actual Sunday style shoots and of late am having a bit of a frustrating time...I either have a great stand and smoke the lot or get to a stand and just cant find the...
  2. jimmybh

    Pigeon Shooting Opportunities in Dorset

    Hello All, Despite predominately being a clay shooter I am starting to do more and more pigeon shooting, and enjoying helping a local organic small holding keep the pigeons at bay.  I am wondering if there are any other venues\farmers in Dorset who also allow access to their estate for similar...
  3. jimmybh

    Cracking Typo.....

    Well my 15min of fame has started.....and started with a humorous typo...see page 86 of July 2015 edition of Clay Shooting magazine (or the attached image)..... It is safe to say I haven't been shooting for 28 years with my eyes closed! Have to say Steve Rawsthorne at Holland & Holland has...
  4. jimmybh

    Eye Dominance - mine seems to change very regularly?

    In February I changed to shooting two eyes open, and up until then had always dimmed\closed my left eye as I got ready to fire. In February I also got diagnosed by my Instructor as left eye dominant, but he was also somewhat perplexed at how well I could shoot off the right shoulder with left...