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  1. EdLyons

    Eye tracking in DTL and Skeet

    A huge well done to Adam Gutteridge winning the ABT England selection shoot this weekend at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground 😎🔥 Adam was rocking the brand new One Day Oasys Max lenses I talked about a few weeks ago and here he is spreading the knowledge about visual strategy for trap and skeet...
  2. EdLyons

    Marginal gains make World Champions 🤩
  3. EdLyons

    Lenses for red/green colour blindness

    Yes, the vermillion and deep raspberry reds have been the best bet up til now, the notch filters in these new lenses take it up a few steps 🔥
  4. EdLyons

    Lenses for red/green colour blindness

    If you are one of the one in eight men you are red/green colour blind, you’re going to struggle seeing orange and pink targets. I tested out the latest lens technology with England and GB shooter Roy Cherry here;
  5. EdLyons

    Eye dominance and coaching methods with Ed Solomons

    Chat through some eye dominance and coaching methodology with international shooter Simon, including some tips on fitting the ShotSpot product;
  6. EdLyons

    Great work from Lee!

    Great to see Lee Wilcoxson’s win today at the inaugural JR Hall memorial trophy, East Yorkshire Shooting Ground. We did some funky contact lens magic to solve an eye dominance issue here;
  7. EdLyons

    Some new Pilla kit!

    Short video showing some new kit from Pilla. Also, I shot the High Tower challenge at Sporting Targets today, well worth a visit, they have a great selection of shooting glasses there too and some cracking deals on second hand guns 💥💥...
  8. EdLyons

    Detail over Contrast…

    I’ll have a watch!
  9. EdLyons

    Hidef specs

    They fit fine 😎
  10. EdLyons

    Pilla Nose bridge/Piece

    We’ve found fitting an older Oakley M frame nose piece can work well, or you could ask your optician to fit a Saddle bridge (this has now been adopted by Pilla on the Top Gun series)
  11. EdLyons

    Newer to Clay shooting. Advice for dealing with injury to dominant eye.

    It very much depends on what the level of vision is like in the impaired eye. If it’s less than 6/9 and the other eye is 6/6 or better, the cross dominance and lack of useful input from the right is going to cause all sorts of frustration. Covering the “better sighted” eye in this case above...
  12. EdLyons

    Thinking about Contacts for shooting?

    Here’s a video showing you how to put them in and remove them, safely!
  13. EdLyons

    Opaque patch for shooting glasses

    You’re welcome - if you’d like to call the team on 01902 422096 they can assist! Best regards Ed
  14. EdLyons

    Opaque patch for shooting glasses

    Absolutely - try Shotspot, they’re available in two sizes and four levels of opacification. We have them all in stock if they’re the sort of thing you’re looking for Ed
  15. EdLyons

    New lens technology from RE Ranger!

    The new Ranger Engineering RIACT lenses are out, but are they any good? See the unboxing video below! 👇
  16. EdLyons

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    You’re welcome - you have loads of DD options, acuvue moist for astigmatism, acuvue oasys for astigmatism, Clariti daily toric, Focus daily toric etc The prism would help with shooting both eyes open, if the prism really is 14 diopters, shooting both eyes open without it is unlikely to be...
  17. EdLyons

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    Are your shooting one eye or both eyes open? And is the prism horizontal  or vertical? Thanks Joost, so currently, it isn’t possible to correct Prism in soft contact lenses so the value won’t be on them. The Comfilcon A material is most likely to be a lens called Biofinity Toric. It’s good...